Name: Almost 100% Description: All levels finished. All Art Galleries and video interviews except Gallery 6 unlocked. *Most* levels are completed 100%- all grubs/leaf crickets. Missing one grub in Chapter 7 (The Forgotten). Missing few grubs and leaf crickets in Chapter 8 (Echoes) and Chapter 9 (Displaced). Username: WaffleTron Region: USA Downloads: 144 Views: 1036 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2009-04-16 18:51:12.0 Last Edited: 2009-04-18 21:58:29.0 Comments: Date: 2009-05-01 09:12:42.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: I have this game now and I will update it with a 100% save so gallery 6 is unlocked.