Name: Hack Save - sido pasado pero no es perfecto Description: El juego a sido pasado pero no es perfecto.... the game has been passed but not perfect .... para areglar el problema de lectura del juego vista esta pajina... to get right the problem is reading the game view datasheets ... Ami me sirbio el cIOS249 [57 Base] Rev 19 pero no me deja gugarlo oine I sirbio the cIOS249 [57 Base] Rev 19 but will not let me gugarlo oine Username: abel-2909 Region: USA Downloads: 2745 Views: 4767 User Rating: 2.6 Votes: 5 Date: 2010-12-05 18:09:00.0 Last Edited: 2010-12-09 17:17:08.0 Comments: Date: 2010-12-05 18:12:36.0 Username: abel-2909 Comment: recuerden usar el wii save manager... remember to use the wii save manager... Date: 2010-12-06 00:39:51.0 Username: galleta Comment: para solucionar el error de carga se debe isntalar el cios 224 rev 57 uo lo cargo cn uLoader y cn wiiflow usando cios 224 para el modo online se debe bajar la actualizacion y descuiden que solo es un parche y no modifica nada y para la solucion de la carga de arma y mapas deben correrlo desde un disco duro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- to fix the error loading install cios 249 rev 57 and load with uLoader or wiiflow and the error loaded gun, maps and a view load the game from HD -----------------------------------------------------------------------------buen post el de taringa. Date: 2011-02-26 19:07:55.0 Username: jayfig Comment: This save is garbage! My wii with priiloader wont recognize it and savegame manager gx displays red x beside game name and wont install it. My wii is pimped this save is not.