Name: 8 stages in one zip Description: 1. Saffron City N64 2. Hyrule Castle N64 3. All-Star Stretch Made this stage simply to imitate the All-Star Rest Area in between matches in that mode. Big open area and a few platforms above one end. Enjoy Recommended number of players: Any 4. Airship Assault Whats that in the sky? Is it a bird? A plane? A floating ship?!? Yes our favorite ship from SMB 3 is back for the brawl. Its a little plain but still has very open areas to battle on. A Super Mario's Dream come true! Recommended number of players: Any 5. Flipswitch Cube Make no mistake about it, Flipswitch was Super Mario Galaxy's smallest level. The galaxy consisted of 1 half-cube, with moving platforms that hugged the sides. An exact interpretation of the Flipswitch half-cube wouldn't have resulted in a comfortable stage. Instead, the half-cube is inverted so a wall can be useful. The open sides connect to a single block with 2 moving platforms, which represent the original level's active platforms. The spinning wheel is in place of the black hole, which might explain why only half of Flipswitch existed. If you compare this stage to the original, you'll find that this stage is actually bigger. If this stage isn't too small for you, than you'll enjoy fighting here. Flipswitch has been switched back on just for Brawl. Recommended number of players: 2 6. Kongo Jungle I tried really hard to recreate the level from Melee using Brawl's tools. It's definatly passable, and plays out much like the original. The moving platforms play the barrel, with the large rock acting as the... large rock. Obviously, the sails don't shift, but they still do the job. If you liked the old level, you'll probably like this one. Besides, it has the DK rap, and that should be enough. Recommended number of players: Any 7. Pachinko Based on popular Japanese arcade machines, Pachinko is a side-blocked stage with an emphasis on vertical smashes, classic ground combat, and unconventional platforming. Items will stop within the slanted rungs of the stage, or bounce down to the bottom, making it a race to navigate the network of jump-through platforms. Veterans of the Pachinko level will grab vertical shooting items, and then take to the stable floor, shooting up into the mess of fighters bouncing above. Walls close off the left and right side of the arena, so it isn't uncommon to have fighters reach upwards of 250% before KO. If aerial combat isn’t your cup-o-tea, control the bottom of the map with a large space for speed attacks or 1v1 dueling. This map is recommended for four players. Recommended number of players: Any 8. Toilet Bowl Perhaps a bit too objectionable. However, this level makes for surprisingly good Brawls (I recommend Snake). If you're launched, there are multiple re-entry points, toning down edge-guarding somewhat. The drain is impossible to latch onto, so once you're down there you better be ready to swim with the... fishes. The only real problem I've encountered is the lack of many points people with tether recoveries can use. Recommended number of players: Any You need to put it in the SD Card structure. Username: fme008 Region: USA Downloads: 823 Views: 2799 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2008-05-02 00:20:21.0 Last Edited: 2008-05-02 00:22:02.0