========================== Silent Install Readme Note ========================== This text file shows "Manageable Update Package" command line arguments supported by "brcmsetup.exe". NOTES: ====== - All commands are case sensitive - User must "Run as Administrator" for Windows Vista when using "msiexec" for "silent" install/uninstall(s). help: cmd: brcmsetup /? output : shows help parameters GUI Install: cmd : brcmsetup.exe Install driver only: cmd: brcmsetup /s /v"DRIVERONLY=true" Install driver and applications: cmd: brcmsetup /s /v"FRESHINSTALL=true" Application only: cmd:brcmsetup /s /v"/qn NO_DRIVER=Y FRESHINSTALL=true" Extract Drivers for PNP install cmd: brcmsetup /s /v"EXTRACTDRIVERS=c:\dell\drivers\network" cmd: brcmsetup /s /v"EXTRACTDRIVERS=\"c:\dell files\drivers\network\"" Generating Log Files: LOGFILE with destination directory parameter can be appended to above commands to generate log file. For example: cmd: brcmsetup /s /v"FRESHINSTALL=true LOGFILE=c:\dell\updatepackage\BrcmNet.log" cmd: brcmsetup /s /v"FRESHINSTALL=true LOGFILE=\"c:\dell\update package\BrcmNet.log\"" cmd: brcmsetup /s /v"EXTRACTDRIVERS=\"c:\dell files\drivers\network\" LOGFILE=\"c:\dell\update package\BrcmNet.log\"" Log file format: ============== Update Package Started ============== Date/Time Executed: Thu Jul 01 13:15:47 2010 Command Parameters: BrcmSetup.exe /s /v"FRESHINSTALL=true LOGFILE=c:\dell\updatepackage\log\brcmNet.log" ==================================================== Inventory version prior to update: N/A Update version: ============== Update Result ============== Date/Time Completed: Thu Jul 01 13:16:58 2010 Exit code = 3010 (Reboot Required) ==================================================== =============================================================================================== This note shows the different line commands to run unattended "silent" install/Uninstall(s) for the Broadcom Management Applications installer. NOTES: ====== - All commands are case sensitive - User must "Run as Administrator" for Windows Vista when using "msiexec" for "silent" install/uninstall(s). Silent Install from within the installer source folder: setup /s /v/qn Silent Upgrade from within the installer source folder: setup /s /v/qn Silent Uninstall: msiexec /x "{9FE8BEA6-EEAD-4FBB-8BF2-9C4D2C5D82A3}" /qn Note: After silently uninstalling it is necessary to reboot the system before reinstalling this installer. If a reboot is not performed, BASP will not install correctly. Silent Reinstall of the same installer: setup /s /v"/qn REINSTALL=ALL" Note: the "REINSTALL" switch should only be used if the same installer is already installed on the system. If upgrading an earlier version of the installer, please use "setup /s /v/qn" as listed above. Silent Install by Feature on IA32 Platforms: Use ADDSOURCE to include any of the features listed below. setup /s /v"/qn ADDSOURCE=Driversi32,BACSi32,BASPi32,SNMPi32,CIMi32" Silent Install by Feature on AMD64/EM64T Platforms: Use ADDSOURCE to include any of the features listed below. setup /s /v"/qn ADDSOURCE=Driversa64,BACSa64,BASPa64,SNMPa64,CIMa64" The following line command will install the Broadcom drivers only on IA32 Platforms... setup /s /v"/qn ADDSOURCE=Driversi32" The following line command will install the Broadcom drivers only on AMD64 Platforms... setup /s /v"/qn ADDSOURCE=Driversa64" Note: The Broadcom device drivers are a required feature and will always be installed, even if not specifying with ADDSOURCE. Silent Install from within a batch file and "wait" for the install to complete before continuing with the next commandline: start /wait setup /s /w /v/qn Silent Install and not install the BACS Tray icon (Default setting is YES): setup /s /v"/qn BACSTRAY=NO" Silent Install to force downgrade (Default setting is NO): setup /s /v"/qn DOWNGRADE=Y" Uncompress the installer files: The /a switch causes Setup.exe to uncompress the driver files included in the setup to a directory specified by the user, but does not create shortcuts, register COM servers, or create an uninstallation log. Important Note: Broadcom and Dell do not recommend or support installing the NetXtreme II drivers manually. If not in a manufacturing environment under certain controlled conditions, installing these drivers manually can cause unexpected behavior. Broadcom and Dell recommend installing the NetXtreme II and the NetXtreme I drivers with the "Driver and Management Apps Installer." Note: Windows unattended installation can be accomplished using the Driver and Management Apps Installer in the post-GUI-installation or post-install section of the Microsoft unattended installation.