============================ R E A D M E N O T E S ============================ Broadcom BACS command line interface utility for Windows Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Broadcom Corporation All rights reserved. January 16, 2013 Table of Contents ================= 1. Introduction 2. Requirements 3. Scope 4. Limitation 5. Installation 6. Command Usage 7. HowTo and Examples 8. Exit Codes 9. Third Party Software License 1. Introduction: ================ This utility is a console application. Users could run it from a Windows command prompt. The application will use the console and can be run both in the command line interface (CLI) mode as well as interactive mode. In the non-interactive (CLI) mode, the utility can take a command as an input argument and run the command producing appropriate effect/output and return meaningful exit codes. This module requires the appropriate BMAPI module and device driver in order to work correctly. This utility can also be used to manage NetXtreme I and NetXtreme II devices on both local as well as remote computer systems. 2. Requirements: ================ 1. CIM provider is installed properly on the system that is to be managed by this utility. 2. appropriate device driver for the NIC is installed on the system that is to be managed by this utility. 3. For managing iscsi on Linux hosts, open-iscsi and sg utilities are required to be installed on the Linux host. 3. Scope: ========= Supported Operating Systems - Windows 2000 - Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows Server 2003 - Windows Server 2008 - Windows 7 - Windows 8 - Windows Server 2012 4. Limitation: ============== 1. All WindowsPE systems are not supported. 5. Installation: ================ 1. On the system with NetXtreme I and NetXtreme II of NICs, install the appropriate driver package using the driver installer. 2. On the system with NetXtreme I and NetXtreme II of NICs, install the CIM provider and its dependent components. 3. BACScli and all the required files can be installed automatically by the BACS installer. 6. Command Usage: ================= Usage: 6.1 POSIX-compliant commands: BACScli [-t ] [-f ] [-i ] [-r ] [-n ] [-a digest | basic] [-u ] [-p ] [-protocol ][-scheme ] [-persist] - The -t option is used to select the type of the target, it must be followed by the that can be VBD, NDIS, iSCSI, iSCSI Portal, iSCSITargets, TEAM, VNIC, FCOE, FCoE Target, PhyAdapters, PhyPorts, TruMgmt, Hosts or system. - The -f option is used to select the format of the used in the -i option. The can be MAC, BDF, or NAME. The MAC and BDF are used to select a device of a . The NAME is used to select either a Team or a Virtual adapter. - The -i option is used to select the target identified by the . The can be the Ethernet MAC address (using the NDIS device’s MAC address for Ethernet and using the iSCSI device’s MAC address for iSCSI Hardware Offload and using the teaming MAC address for VDB), the PCI Bus/Device/Function number, iSCSI target name or the name of a Team/Virtual adapter or host name. - The -r option is used to specify an IP address of a host to be accessed. If no -r option CLi tried to read persist host file and connects to all hosts in this file. when -r option exists, only specified host is connected and only apply to the specified host. - The -n option is used to select a port on a host to be accessed. - The -a option is used to select either digest or basic authentication mode. The default authentication mode is basic. Currently only basic mode is supported. - The -u option is used to specify a user name. - The -p option is used to specify password. - The -protocol option is used to specify connection protocol. - The -persist option indicates the host information will be saved to the persistent hosts file when bacscli exits. - The -scheme option is used to specify http or https scheme. - The includes the command, its options, parameters, and values for the command. have to be specified within the double quotes, but if the contains only one command without any option or command argument, the double quotes is optional. - If any name or parameter contains special character such as '^', '&' and so on, it needs to be specified in double quotes, "^" for example. Following is the list of available commands: add : add team configuration from a file adddiscoveryportal : add a discovery portal to the host addhost : add a remote host for management addisnsserver : add the IP address or DNS name of an iSNS server to the list of iSNS servers addtarget : manually configure a target and optionally persist that target bootcfg : use this command to do MBA/FCoE/iSCSI boot configuration cablediag : run cable diagnostic tests on the selected PhyPort device cfg : configure parameter of the selected device createmultinpivport : create multiple NPIV ports createnpivport : create a NPIV port diag : configure and conduct a diagnostic test discoverhost : search and add remote hosts from a range of IP addresses fallback : fallback to primary adapters from standby help : list available commands info : display adapter information of the selected NIC list : list target items in different views listisnsservers : display the list of iSNS server addresses that are persisted by the iSCSI Initiator service. listdiscoveryportals : display the list of persisted target portals log : log all input and output into a file login : log in to an iSCSI target logout : log out of an iSCSI target networkdiag : run network diagnostic test on the selected NDIS device pingtest : run iSCSI ping test q : exit the program refresh : scan the system for hardware/configuration changes refreshall : scan all systems for hardware/configuration changes refreshdiscoveryportal : perform a SendTargets operation to the target portal refreshisnsserver : refresh the list of targets discovered from the specified iSNS server remove : remove a team removediscoveryportal : remove discovery portal from the host removeallhosts : remove all hosts from the host management list removealltmhosts : remove all TruManage hosts from the host management list removehost : remove a host from the host management list removeisnsserver : remove the IP address or DNS name of the iSNS server from the persisted list of iSNS servers removemultinpivport : remove multiple NPIV ports removenpivport : remove a NPIV port removepersistenttarget : remove a target from the list of persistent targets removetarget : remove a target from the list of persisted targets resetsessionstats : display session statistics for all or the selected session resetstats : Reset the statistics restore : restore team configuration from a file save : save team configuration to a file select : select an adapter or List available adapters sessions : display list of iSCSI sessions on the selected iSCSI adapter. sessionstats : display session statistics for all or the selected session showsel : show the selected target item stats : display statistic information of the selected NIC unassigned : display adapters that are not yet part of a team util : perform utility functions on trumanage device version : display the version of this program 6.1.1 Applicable commands for each item view: All: addhost discoverhost help list log q removeallhosts removehost select showsel version FCoE: cfg createmultinpivport createnpivport info removemultinpivport removenpivport resetstats stats FCoETarget: info FCPort: info Host: adddiscoveryportal addisnsserver addtarget cfg info listdiscoveryportals listisnsservers login logout refresh refreshall refreshdiscoveryportal refreshisnsserver removediscoveryportal removeisnsserver removepersistenttarget removetarget iSCSI: cfg info login logout pingtest resetsessionstats resetstats sessions sessionstats stats iSCSIPortal: info resetsessionstats sessionstats iSCSITarget: info login logout removepersistenttarget resetsessionstats sessionstats LUN: info NDIS: cfg info networkdiag resetstats stats PhyAdapter: cfg info PhyPort: bootcfg cablediag cfg diag info resetstats stats Teamview: add fallback info remove resetstats restore save stats unassigned Trumgmt: cfg connecttmtarget info removealltmhosts util VBD: cfg info resetstats stats VNIC: info networkdiag resetstats stats 6.1.2 Command Syntax: add [-h ] - The 'add ' command will add team configuration from the specified . Existing team configuration will be preserved and a new team(s) will be added to the system from the configuration file. - This command is only available if the active selection is a team and/or in the teamview view. - '-h' option is needed if there is no team selected and application need to know which host the teams will be added to. Example: 1) add "c:\test.txt" adddiscoveryportal {-m } {-i } {-if } [-n ] [-mu] [-u ] [-p ] [-iu ] [-ip ] - will add a static target portal to the list of target portals to which the iSCSI initiator service transmits SendTarget requests. - if a value was not specified for the -n option, the default 3260 port number will be used. - If CHAP name and CHAP secret are both not empty, then CHAP authentication will be used for login. - '-mu' specifies Mutual CHAP Authentication type is used. - '-if' only applies to Linux hosts. - adddiscoveryportal command is available in the context of a host. addhost < [ < localhost | | ] | [ -u -p ] > [-a ] [-n ] [-protocol ] [-scheme ] [-persist] -u is used to specify a user name. -p is used to specify password. [-a ] is used to select either digest or basic authentication mode. The default authentication mode is basic. Currently only basic mode is supported. [-n ] option is used to specify a port. [-protocol ] option is used to specify connection protocol. 'wmi' is for Windows host, 'cimxml' is for Linux host, wsman can be used for both window and linux host and 'all' is to try all protocol for unknown host types. 'host name' is the name of a host to be connected. 'IP address' is the IP address of a host to be connected. [-persist] option indicates the host information will be saved to the persistent hosts file when user closes bacscli application with "-q" command. All the hosts in the saved file will be automatically connected when BACSCLI starts. Use Ctrl+break to break the operation of connecting to the persistent remote hosts. [-scheme ] option is used to specify http or https scheme. addisnsserver {-i } - will add the iSNS server as identified by the '-i' option input parameter. - addisnsserver command is available in the context of a host. addtarget {-t } {-i } {-n } [-f ] - adds the specified target to the list of static targets. - [-f ] specifies the Iface file name to which the static target will be added. This option only applies to Linux hosts. - addtarget command is available in the context of a host . addtmtarget [ -u -p [-a ] [-n ] [-protocol ] [-scheme ] [-persist] -u is used to specify a user name. -p is used to specify password. [-a ] is used to select either digest or basic authentication mode. The default authentication mode is basic. Currently only basic mode is supported. [-n ] option is used to specify a port. [-protocol ] option is used to specify connection protocol. 'wmi' is for Windows host, 'cimxml' is for Linux host, wsman can be used for both window and linux host and 'dash' is for DASH out-of-band connection. 'host name' is the name of a host to be connected. 'IP address' is the IP address of a host to be connected. [-persist] option indicates the host information will be saved to the persistent hosts file when user closes bacscli application with "-q" command. All the hosts in the saved file will be automatically connected when BACSCLI starts. Use Ctrl+break to break the operation of connecting to the persistent remote hosts. [-scheme ] option is used to specify http or https scheme. bootcfg [-t {iSCSI | fcoe | mba}] [-o show [General | Initiator | Target | MPIO]] [-o {save | restore }] - this command will only be available in the context of a physical port - this command displays the current iSCSI/FCoE/MBA boot configuration or one of its sub-category boot configuration, or saves the current iSCSI/FCoE/MBA boot configuration to a file, or restores the iSCSI/FCoE/MBA boot configuration from a file. - the format of the file is xml. cablediag - The 'cablediag' command will run cable diagnostic tests on the selected device. - This command is available on a Broadcom based NetXtremeI physical port device and/or NetXtremeII physical port device. - Ctrl+break to stop the test. cfg Advanced [[default]|[parameter]|[parameter=value]] - The 'cfg Advanced' command is to get/set advanced parameters of the device. - The 'cfg Advanced default' command is to set all advanced parameters to their default values. - Both parameter and value are case insensitive and have to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't has any space or special characters inside, double quotes is optional. If value has special character such as '&', a double quote can be used around '&'. - No space is allowed around the '=' in the 'parameter=value'. - The 'cfg Advanced' command will display all advanced parameters and their current settings. - The 'cfg Advanced parameter' will display the current setting and all valid settings of the specified parameter. - The 'cfg Advanced parameter=value' will set the specified value to the specified parameter. - The parameter specified has to be one of those parameters that are displayed by the 'cfg Advanced' command. - The value specified has to be one of the valid settings of the parameters that are displayed by the 'cfg advanced parameter'. - This command is available if the actively selected device is a NDIS device. Example: 1) cfg Advanced "Flow Control"="Auto" 2) cfg Advanced 3) cfg Advanced "Flow Control" cfg Power [value] - The 'cfg Power' command is to get/set Power Management of the device. - The 'value' is case insensitive and has to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't have any space or special characters, double quotes is optional. - The 'cfg Power' command will display the current setting of the Power Management. - The 'cfg Power value' will set the Power Management setting to the specified value. The can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a NDIS device and is Power Management capable. cfg Licenses - The 'cfg Licenses' command will display all Licenses parameters and their current settings. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a VBD device and belongs to NetxtremeII family of devices. cfg Resource [[key]|[key=value]] - The 'cfg Resource' command is to get/set Resource keys of the device. - Both key and value are case insensitive and have to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't have any space or special characters inside, double quotes is optional. - No space is allowed around the '=' in the 'key=value'. - The 'cfg Resource' command will display all Resource Reservation keys and their current settings. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a VBD device and belongs to NetxtremeII family of devices. The 'cfg Resource' use and to configure the Resource Reservation parameters. The use of and its valid are listed as following: - The 'CONFIGURABLE' is used to display all the configurable Resource Reservation parameters with their current setting and valid settings. It does not require any . - The 'CONFIG' is to set the "Offload Configuration" to either "First Come First Served" or "Reserved Resources". It does require the that can be either FCFS or RSVD. - The 'NDIS' is to set the "Pre-Allocated Resources for NDIS" to either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. It does require the that can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. - The 'TOE' is to set the "Pre-Allocated Resources for TOE" to either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. It does require the that can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. - The 'iSCSI' is to set the "Pre-Allocated Resources for iSCSI" to either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. It does require the that can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. - The 'FCOE' is to set the "Pre-Allocated Resources for FCOE" to either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. It does require the that can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. - The 'TOECONN' is to set the "TOE Connections" to the number allowed in the range displayed in "cfg Resource CONFIGURABLE" command. It does require the that has to be a number. - The 'iSCSICONN' is to set the "iSCSI Connections" to the number allowed in the range displayed in "cfg Resource CONFIGURABLE" command. It does require the that has to be a number. - The 'iSCSIPT' is to set the "iSCSI Pending Task per Connection" to the valid numbers specified in "cfg Resource CONFIGURABLE" command. It does require the that has to be a number. - The 'TOEPROTOCOL' is to set the "TOE Protocol Type" to the valid settings specified in 'cfg Resource CONFIGURABLE' command. It does require the that has to be either 'Ipv4' or 'IPv6'. - The 'iSCSIPROTOCOL' is to set the "iSCSI Protocol Type" to the valid settings specified in 'cfg Resource CONFIGURABLE' command. It does require the that has to be either 'Ipv4' or 'Ipv6'. - The 'MEMCONSUMPTION' is to set the "iSCSI Memory Consumption" to the valid settings specified in 'cfg Resource CONFIGURABLE' command. This command only applies to 57710/57711 adapter. It does require the to be a percentage value from 25% - 100% with the increment of 25%. - The 'TOERSS' is to set the "TOE RSS" to either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. This command only applies to 57710/57711 adapter. It does require the that can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. Examples: 1) cfg Resource Configurable 2) cfg Resource TOE=Disable 3) cfg Resource MEMCONSUMPTION=75 cfg iSCSIMgmt [[key]|[key=value]] - The 'cfg iSCSIMgmt' command is to get/set iSCSIMgmt keys of the device. - Both key and value are case insensitive and have to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't have any space or special characters inside, double quotes is optional. - No space is allowed around the '=' in the 'key=value'. - The 'cfg iSCSIMgmt' command will display all iSCSI Management keys and their current settings. - The 'cfg iSCSIMgmt key' will display the current setting and all valid settings of the specified key. - The 'cfg iSCSIMgmt key=value' will set the specified value to the specified key. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a iSCSI device and belongs to NetxtremeII family of devices. The 'cfg iSCSIMgmt' use and to configure the iSCSI Management parameters. The use of and its valid are listed as following: - The 'IPV4DHCP' is used to enable the DHCP of IPv4. The can only be 'Enable'. To disable DHCP, use IPV4ADDR to set the static IPv4 address and the DHCP will automatically disable. - The 'IPV4ADDR' is used to set the static IPv4 address. The is the IPv4 address. It will automatically disable the DHCP of IPv4. - The 'IPV4MASK' is used to set the IPv4 Subnet mask. The is the IPv4 Subnet mask. - The 'IPV4GATEWAY' is used to set the default IPv4 gateway address. The is the IPv4 gateway address. - The 'IPV6DHCP' is used to enable the DHCP of IPv6. The can only be 'Enable'. To disable DHCP, use IPV6ADDR to set the static IPv6 address and the DHCP will automatically disable. - The 'IPV6PRA' is used to set "Process Router Advertisement". The can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. - The 'IPV6ADDR' is used to set the static IPv6 address. The is the IPv6 address. It will automatically disable the DHCP of IPv6. - The 'IPV6PL' is used to set the IPv6 address subnet prefix length. The is the IPv6 address subnet prefix length. - The 'IPV6DG' is used to set the IPv6 default gateway address. The is the IPv6 default gateway address. - The 'VLANID' is used to set the Vlan ID for the iSCSI The is the range of 0 - 4094. - The 'MTU' is used to set the MTU for the iSCSI The is in the range of 1500 to 9600. The keys below are for Linux hosts with IFace Files support: - The 'IPV4ADDR' is used to display only IFace files for IPv4 static configuration. - The 'IPV4DHCP' is used to display only IFace files for IPv4 dynamic configuration. - The 'IPV6ADDR' is used to display only IFace files for IPv6 static configuration. - The 'IPV6DHCP' is used to display only IFace files for IPv6 dynamic configuration. - The 'IPV4INAME' is used to set Initiator name for IPv4 static configuration in IFace file. - The 'IPV4VLANID' is used to set the Vlan ID for IPv4 static configuration in IFace file. The is the range of 0 - 4094. - The 'IPV4IFNUM' is used to set the IFace Number for IPv4 static configuration in IFace file. The is a integer started from 0. - The 'IPV6INAME' is used to set Initiator name for IPv6 static configuration in IFace file. - The 'IPV6VLANID' is used to set the Vlan ID for IPv6 static configuration in IFace file. The is the range of 0 - 4094. - The 'IPV6IFNUM' is used to set the IFace Number for IPv6 static configuration in IFace file. The is a integer started from 0. - The 'DHCP4INAME' is used to set the Initiator name for IPv4 dynamic configuration in IFace file. - The 'DHCP4VLANID' is used to set the Vlan ID for IPv4 dynamic configuration in IFace file. The is the range of 0 - 4094. - The 'DHCP4IFNUM' is used to set the IFace Number for IPv4 dynamic configuration in IFace file. The is a integer started from 0. - The 'DHCP6INAME' is used to set Initiator name for IPv6 dynamic configuration in IFace file. - The 'DHCP6VLANID' is used to set the Vlan ID for IPv6 dynamic configuration in IFace file. The is the range of 0 - 4094. - The 'DHCP6IFNUM' is used to set the IFace Number for IPv6 dynamic configuration in IFace file. The is a integer started from 0. Note: * When system is booted up through iSCSI HBA with a IPv4 address, the above IPv4 related parameters will be non-configurable, and not available in 'cfg iSCSIMgmt' command. * When system is booted up through iSCSI HBA with a IPv6 address, the above IPv6 related parameters will be non-configurable, and not available in 'cfg iSCSIMgmt' command. Example: 1) cfg iSCSIMgmt 2) cfg iSCSIMgmt VLANID=3 3) cfg iSCSIMgmt IPV4ADDR= cfg iSCSIMgmt {{-a|-e|-d} } [[-dhcp4 | -dhcp6] | [{-ipv4 | -ipv6} ] [-m ] [-p ] [-i ] [-v ] [-n ] ] - This variant of 'cfg iSCSIMgmt' command is used to manage and edit IFace files in Linux host. - Both key and value are case insensitive except and have to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't have any space or special characters inside, double quotes is optional. The command options are listed as following: -a ' is used to add new IFace file. -e is used to edit existing IFace file. -d is used to delete existing IFace file. The 'add' and 'edit' commands have the following options: -dhcp4 is used to enable DHCP for IPv4 configuration. -dhcp6 is used to enable DHCP for IPv6 configuration. -ipv4 is used to set or modify IPv4 address. -ipv6 is used to set or modify IPv6 address. -m is used to set or modify Subnet mask for IPv4 configuration. -p is used to set or modify Subnet Prefix Length for IPv6 configuration. -i is used to set or modify Initiator name. -v is used to set or modify Vlan ID in IFace file. The is the range of 0 - 4094. -n is used to set or modify IFace Number in IFace file. The is a integer started from 0. Example: 1) cfg iSCSIMgmt -a new_dhcp_ipv4 -dhcp 2) cfg iSCSIMgmt -d bnx2i.00:10:18:a7:1b:11_2001::3742 3) cfg iSCSIMgmt -e dhcpv6 -v 10 -n 55 cfg iSCSIBoot [[key]|[key=value]] - The 'cfg iSCSIBoot' command is to get/set iSCSIBoot keys of the device. - Both key and value are case insensitive and have to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't have any space or special characters, double quotes is optional. - No space is allowed around the '=' in the 'key=value'. - The 'cfg iSCSIBoot' command will display all iSCSIBoot keys and their current settings. - The 'cfg iSCSIBoot key' will display the current setting and all valid settings of the specified key. - The 'cfg iSCSIBoot key=value' will set the specified value to the specified key. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a NDIS device and the system is on a iSCSI boot using the selected NDIS device. The 'cfg iSCSIBoot' use and to configure the iSCSI Management parameters. The use of and its valid are listed as following: - The 'CDUMP' is used to set the "iSCSI Crash Dump". The can be either 'Enable' or 'Disable'. Example: 1) cfg iSCSIBoot CDUMP=Enable cfg OOBMgmt [-ipv4|ipv6|hostname] [[key]|[key=value]] - The 'cfg OOBMgmt' command is to get/set OOBMgmt keys of the selected device. - Both key and value are case insensitive and have to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't have any space or special characters, double quotes is optional. - No space is allowed around the '=' in the 'key=value'. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a NDIS device and is out-of-band management capable. - The option '-ipv4|ipv6|hostname' is used to set the value of property 'Management Console Address'. Among them, -ipv4 : verify the input value with IPv4 format -ipv6 : verify the input value with IPv6 format -hostname : verify the input value with hostname format When none of the above options is given, it will be treated as the option "-hostname" is given. In addition, it will be ignored when one these options is put with other parameter together, and no error occurs. Example: 1) cfg OOBMgmt 2) cfg OOBMgmt "Heartbeat Retransmit Interval" 3) cfg OOBMgmt "Heartbeat Retransmit Interval"=200 4) cfg OOBMgmt "Management Console Address"= 5) cfg OOBMgmt -ipv4 "Management Console Address"= cfg Systoe [value] - The 'cfg Systoe' command is to enable or disable TCP offload in chimney for the system. For Win7 kernel and later, user can also set TCP offload to automatic. - The 'cfg Systoe' command will display the current TCP Offload Chimney State. - The 'cfg Systoe value' will enable or disable TCP offload in chimney for the system. For Win7 quotes are optional, command can also set TCP offload to automatic. This command is only available to the system target. cfg iSCSIInitiator [value] - The 'cfg iSCSIInitiator' command is to display the name of iSCSI Initiator of the system. - The 'cfg iSCSIInitiator name' command is to set the name of iSCSI Initiator of the system. cfg iSCSISecret - The 'cfg iSCSISecret" command is to set the CHAP secret of iSCSI Initiator of the system. cfg dcbx [ [-c ] | [-s ] ] - The 'cfg dcbx' command is to configure DCBX settings on the selected physical port device. - cfg dcbx will display the current configuration. - cfg dcbx -s filename will save the current configuration into a XML file. - cfg dcbx -c filename will configure the dcbx settings from the specified XML file. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a physical port and dcbx configuration is allowed (like in 10G devices). cfg Advanced [[key]|[key=value]] under FCoE device level - The 'cfg Advanced' command is used to configure FCoE settings. - Both key and value are case insensitive and have to be specified within the double quotes. If it doesn't have any space or special characters, double quotes is optional. - No space is allowed around the '=' in the 'key=value'. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is a FCoE device. cfg [ Multi-Function ["Multi-Function mode" | - [s|c|o] | -p port# [-f function#] key] | [SRIOV [ -s | -c ] ] ] - The 'cfg Multi-Function' command is used to configure physical adapter nic partition settings. - 'cfg Multi-Function' will display the current configuration. - 'cfg Multi-Function -s ' will save the current configuration into a XML file. - 'cfg Multi-Function -c ' will configure the NIC settings from the specified XML file. - 'cfg multi-function -o ' will configure the NIC settings from the specified XML file. This option will overwrite SRIOV configuration if there is any conflict between Multi-function config and SRIOV config. - use 'cfg Multi-Function -c ' to disable Multi-Function by setting to SingleFunction. Refer to section 8.2.2 & 8.2.3. - cfg multi-function -p 0 -f 2 \"FCoE\" will display port0 function2 FCoE configuration. The default function number is the first function of the specified port. - The 'cfg SRIOV' command is used to configure physical adapter SRIOV settings. - 'cfg SRIOV' will display the current configuration. - 'cfg SRIOV -s ' will save the current configuration into a XML file. - 'cfg SRIOV -c ' will configure the SRIOV settings from the specified XML file. - All keys and operands are case insensitive. valid key: "Multi-Function mode", -p and -f options not required. "FlowControl" "Ethernet/Ndis" "iSCSI" "FCoE" "MaxBandwidth" "RelativeBandwidth" "AFEX VIF Profile" "AFEX VIF Profile List", -f option not required cfg account [ -n | -s | -c ] - The 'cfg account' command is used to display/configure account information for TruManage device. - 'cfg account' will display all the account with minimized information. - 'cfg account -n Administrator' will show the detail information about the administrator account. - 'cfg account -s filename' will save the accounts from the TruManage device to the specified XML file. - 'cfg account -c filename' will configure the accounts from the specified XML file to the TruManage device. cfg role [ -n | -s | -c | -privilege ] - The 'cfg role' command is used to display/configure role information for TruManage device. - 'cfg role' will display all the roles with minimized information. - 'cfg role -n "Administrator Role"' will show the detail information about the administrator role. - 'cfg role -s filename' will save the Roles from the TruManage device to the specified XML file. - 'cfg role -c filename' will configure the Roles from the specified XML file to the TruManage device. - 'cfg role -privilege' will list all available privileges avilable on the TruManage device. createnpivport {{-s } | {-p }} - '-s': save mode, only 3 digits(1-3) allow to change. For example: 2x:xx:00:10:18:aa::bb::cc Other digits are from current WWPN/WWNN. - this command is available in the context of a FCoE HBA selection - creates a NPIV port createmultinpivport {{-s } {-e } {-n }} - '-s': starting name range, only 3 digits(1-3) allow to change. For example: 2x:xx:00:10:18:aa::bb::cc Other digits are from current WWPN/WWNN. - '-e': ending name range, only 3 digits(1-3) allow to change. For example: 2x:xx:00:10:18:aa::bb::cc Other digits are from current WWPN/WWNN. - '-n': Number of NPIV ports need to be created. - this command is available in the context of a FCoE HBA selection - creates multiple NPIV ports at the same time. connecttmtarget [-h ] [ -u -p ] [-a ] [-n ] [-protocol ] [-scheme ] [-persist] -h is the name/IP address of a host to be connected. -u is used to specify a user name. -p is used to specify password. [-a ] is used to select either digest or basic authentication mode. The default authentication mode is basic. Currently only basic mode is supported. [-n ] option is used to specify a port. [-protocol ] option is used to specify connection protocol. 'wmi' is for Windows host, 'cimxml' is for Linux host, wsman can be used for both window and linux host and 'dash' is for DASH out-of-band connection. 'host name' is the name of a host to be connected. 'IP address' is the IP address of a host to be connected. [-persist] option indicates the host information will be saved to the persistent hosts file when user closes bacscli application with "-q" command. All the hosts in the saved file will be automatically connected when BACSCLI starts. Use Ctrl+break to break the operation of connecting to the persistent remote hosts. [-scheme ] option is used to specify http or https scheme. diag {[-c REG ] [-c MII ] [-c EEP] [-c MEM] [-c CPU] [-c INT] [-c MACLB ] [-c PHYLB] [-c LED] | [-c ALL]} [-l ] [ -v ] - The 'diag' command is to configure the parameters of the Diagnostic test and run the test. - The 'diag' command will display all the tests available for the current selected target if no option is specified. - If '-l' is not specified, the default iteration will be 1. - If '-v' is not specified, the default LED interval will be 5. - This command is available on a Broadcom based NetXtremeI physical port device and/or NetXtremeII physical port device. - Ctrl+break to stop the test. Each individual test is indicated by the option as following: - The '-c REG' is to run Control Register test. - The '-c MII' is to run MII Register test. - The '-c EEP' is to run EEPROM test. - The '-c MEM' is to run Internal Memory test. - The '-c CPU' is to run OnChip CPU test. - The '-c INT' is to run Interrupt test. - The '-c MACLB' is to run MAC Loopback test. - The '-c PHYLB' is to run PHY Loopback test. - The '-c LED' is to run LED test with the LEDIntv value. - The '-c ALL' is to run all the above tests. Example: 1) diag -c ALL -l 3 -v 5 2) diag -c CPU -c LED -v 5 discoverhost -s -e -u -p [-a ] [-n ] [-protocol ] [-scheme [-persist] -s is used to specify the starting IP address of searching range. -e is used to specify the ending IP address of searching range. -u is used to specify a user name. -p is used to specify password. [-a ] is used to select either digest or basic authentication mode. The default authentication mode is basic. Currently only basic mode is supported. [-n ] option is used to specify a port. [-protocol ] option is used to specify connection protocol. 'wmi' is for Windows host, 'cimxml' is for Linux host, wsman can be used for both window and linux host and 'all' is to try all protocol for unknown host types. 'host name' is the name of a host to be connected. 'IP address' is the IP address of a host to be connected. [-persist] option indicates the host information will be saved to the persistent hosts file when user closes bacscli application with "q" command. All the hosts in the saved file will be automatically connected when BACSCLI starts. Ctrl+break to stop the operation. discovertmtargets -t -s [-e ] [-n ] [-ns ] [-persist] -s is used to specify the starting IP address of searching range. -e is used to specify the ending IP address of searching range. -t is used to specify discovery type, either RMCP discovery or WS Identify sweep. [-n ] option is used to specify a http port. [-ns ] option is used to specify a https port. [-persist] option indicates the trumanage target connection information will be saved to the host persistent file when user closes bacscli application with "q" command. Ctrl+break to stop the operation. fallback - fallback to primary adapters from standby. - This command is only applicable for SLB-AFD team type. - This command is only available in teamview view listing. help list of available commands info [ all | vitalsigns | driver | eee | hardware | resource | os | initiator | dcbx | nicpartition | system | hwinventory | swinventory | switch | vf ] [-a] Display adapter information of the selected NIC. This version of the 'info' command is available if the actively selected device is a NDIS device. - all : display information of all categories - vitalsigns: display 'Vital Signs" information - driver : display 'Driver' information - eee : display 'EEE' information - hardware : display 'Hardware' information - resource : display 'Resource' information - os : display host OS information - initiator : display iSCSI initiator information - dcbx : display dcbx information - switch : display SRIOV switch information - vf : display SRIOV vf information - nicpartition : display nic partition information - [-a] option is used to display more DCBX advanced information under phyport device, it only applies to all or dcbx. * The following comamand option only aaliable on on trumanage view or trumanage target is selected. - system : display system details information for TruManage target - hwinventory : display hardware inventory information for TruManage target - swinventory : display software inventory information for TruManage target Example: 1) info all 2) info vitalsigns 3) info dcbx -a info Display adapter information of the selected team in either the "teamview" view. list [-f MAC|BDF] [-b] [-r] [-h ][] Lists the target items in different views. Note: * If '-f MAC' option is used, devices will be identified using the MAC address. * If '-f BDF' option is used, devices will be identified using the bus/device/function numbers, the bus/device/function numbers are in HEX format. * If -f option is not specified, the default behavior is to identify devices using MAC address. * '-f MAC' option is not applicable to hosts, phyadapters & phyports devices because a single MAC address does not applicable to them. * If '-b' option is useful only in the 'teamview'. If specified, the view will only list the team names for selection. * If -b option is not specified, the default behavior is to list teams and the (physical/virtual) members that constitute the team. * The '-h' option is useful in most of the commands. If specified, the view will only reflect the target list corresponding to the specified host. * The '-r' option forces to reconnect, it is only valid when 'hosts' is used. This option is useful when users want to reconnect to a host which is recovered from reboot or linkdown. * The 'list' command is available in all views. * Ctrl+break to stop the operation. The available views are defined as following: - devcon : list devices by connection - teamview : list of teams and the devices that participate in a team - ndis : list NDIS devices - vbd : list VBD devices - iSCSI : list iSCSI devices - fcoe : list FCoE devices - iSCSItargets : list iSCSI targets - fcoetargets : list FCoE targets - phyadapters : list physical adapters on the system - phyports : list physical ports on the system - hosts : list the connected hosts - luns : list the LUNs - vnic : list virtual adapters in the system - iSCSIportal : list iSCSI portal devices - fcport : list FC port devices - trumgmt : list TruManage targets Example: 1) list -f MAC 2) list listisnsservers - displays list of iSNS servers. - listisnsservers command is available in the context of a host. listdiscoveryportals {-h } - will display the list of persisted target portals that the iSCSI initiator service will use for discovery for the specified host. - listdiscoveryportals command is available in the context of a host. log [] 'file' is the log file name to save all the input and output. Without 'file', the current log file is closed. This command is available in all views. login {-m } {-t } [-h ] [-i ] [-n ] [-u ] [-p ] [-iu ] [-ip ] [-if ] [-b] [-e] [-d] [-o] [-mu] - login command is available in the context of a host, in the context of a iSCSI device or in the context of a iSCSI Target. - '-h' is only required when command is using on iSCSI target context, because a target might connect to HBA on different host. - '-i' is an optional parameter. If '-i' option was specified, it mandatory to specify the '-n' option as well. That is, if the target portal IP address was specified, it is mandatory to specify the target port number as well. - login operation will be performed using the HBA identified by the '-m' parameter and the target (identified by the '-t parameter) and the target portal address. - If CHAP name and CHAP secret are both not empty, then CHAP authentication will be used for login. - using '-b' option specify whether the connection should persist across reboot sessions. - using '-e' option specify use header digest for login. - using '-d' option specify use data digest for login. - using '-o' option specify enable MPIO. - using '-mu' option specify Mutual CHAP Authentication type. - '-if', '-iu' and '-ip' only apply to Linux hosts. logout {-s } [-h ] - logout command is available in the context of a host or in the context of a iSCSI device or in the context of a iSCSI Target. - '-h' is only required when command is using on iSCSI target context, because a target might connect to HBA on different host. - logout operation will be performed on the specified session. networkdiag [-p ] - The ''networkdiag' will run network diagnostic test on the selected device. - The '-p is the IP address used for the test, if this option is not specified, test will use the IP address found in the Gateway IP addresses list. - This command is available on all NDIS device selections. - Ctrl+break to stop the test. Example: 1) networkdiag -p pingtest run iSCSI ping test q exit the program refresh - scans the system for hardware/configuration changes - This command is only available in host views. refreshall - scans all systems for hardware/configuration changes - This command is only available in host views. - Ctrl+break to stop to the operation. refreshdiscoveryportal {-m } {-i } [-n ] - will perform a SendTargets operation to the target portal and include the discovered targets into the list of targets maintained by the service - refreshdiscoveryportal command is available in the context of a host. - if a value was not specified for the -n option, the default 3260 port number will be used. refreshisnsserver {-i } - will refresh the list of targets discovered from the specified iSNS server - refreshisnsserver command is available in the context of a host. remove {-c all | } - The 'remove' command will remove the specified team or all teams. - The 'remove -c all' will remove all the teams in the system. - The 'remove ' will remove the specified team. - The 'remove' will remove the active/selected team. - This command is only available if the active selection is a team and/or in the teamview view. Example: 1) remove -c all 2) remove "Team1" removeallhosts Example: 1) removeallhosts removediscoveryportal {-m } {-i } [-n ] - will remove a portal from the list of portals that iSCSI initiator service sends SendTargets request to discover targets. - removediscoveryportal command is available in the context of a host. - if a value was not specified for the -n option, the default 3260 port number will be used. removehost 'host name' is the name of a host to be disconnected. 'IP address' is the IP address of a host to be connected. removeisnsserver {-i } - will remove the iSNS server as identified by the '-i' option input parameter. - removeisnsserver command is available in the context of a host. removenpivport {-p } - this command is available in the context of a FCoE HBA selection - removes a NPIV port removemultinpivport {{-s } {-e }} - '-s': starting name range, only 3 digits(1-3) allow to change. For example: 2x:xx:00:10:18:aa::bb::cc Other digits are from current WWPN/WWNN. - '-e': ending name range, only 3 digits(1-3) allow to change. For example: 2x:xx:00:10:18:aa::bb::cc Other digits are from current WWPN/WWNN. - this command is available in the context of a FCoE HBA selection - removes multiple NPIV ports at the same time. removepersistenttarget {-t } [-h ] - removepersistenttarget command is available in the context of a host or in the context of a iSCSI Target. - will remove a target from the list of persistent targets. - '-t' is only required when command is using on host context, in context of a iSCSI Target '-t' option must no exist. - '-h' is only required when command is using on iSCSI target context, because a target might connect to HBA on different host. removetarget {-t } - will remove the static target as identified by the '-t' option input parameter. - removetarget command is available in the context of a host. resetsessionstats [] - reset statistics information of all sessions or for a specified session. - If 'sessionid' was specified, the statistics for that session will be reset - This command is only available if the active selection is a iSCSI device. resetstats - The 'resetstats' command will reset the statistics of the selected device. - This command is available in all context where the 'stats' command is applicable. restore [-h ] - The 'restore ' will restore team configuration from the specified . Existing team configurations will be lost. - This command is only available if the active selection is a team and/or in the teamview view. - '-h' option is needed if there is no team selected and application need to know which host the teams will be restore to. Example: 1) restore "c:\test.txt" save {-f MAC|BDF} - The 'save' command will save the team configuration to the specified in the specified format. - The 'save -f MAC ' will save the team configuration to the specified in MAC format. - The 'save -f BDF ' will save the team configuration to the specified in BDF format, bdf numbers are in HEX format. - This command is only available if the active selection is a team and/or in the teamview view. Example 1) save -f MAC "c:\test.txt" 2) save -f BDF "c:\test.txt" select [] select a target from current view or display the selected target in the current view if is not specified. This command is available in all views. sessions - displays list of iSCSI sessions on the selected iSCSI adapter. - This command is only available if the actively selected device is an iSCSI device. sessionstats [] - display statistics information of all sessions or for a specified session. - If 'sessionid' was specified, the statistics for that session will be displayed - This command is only available if the active selection is a iSCSI device. showsel show the selected target item stats [all | general | IEEE | basp ] - The 'stats' command will display statistic information of the selected device. - This command is available on all NDIS device selections. Example: 1) stats 2) stats all 3) stats basp stats [all | custom | switch | vf ] - The 'stats' command will display statistic information of the selected device. - This command is available on all VBD device selections. - 'switch' option will display SRIOV switch statistics - 'vf' option will display SRIOV VF statistics Example: 1) stats 2) stats all 3) stats switch 4) stats vf stats [all | login | instance | custom] - If 'login' argument was specified, the stats command will display login statistics of the selected iSCSI adapter. - If 'instance' argument was specified, the stats command will display instance statistics of the selected iSCSI adapter. - If 'custom' argument was specified, the stats command will display the custom statistics of the selected iSCSI adapter. - If the 'all' option was specified, the stats command will display all the statistics information for the selected iSCSI adapter. - If the no parameter was specified, the stats command will display all the statistics information for the selected iSCSI adapter. - This command is available on all iSCSI device selections. unassigned [-h ] - display adapters that are not yet part of a team - This command is only available in teamview view listing. - '-h' option is needed if there is no team selected and application need to know which host the unassigned nics belong to. util Power [-o ] - The 'util Power' command is to perform power action on managed device. - if no operation is provided, BACScli will show current power state and available operation - if operation is provided, BACSCLi will perform the operation to the TruManage target. The followings are supported operations: - power on - power cycle - power off - reset - standby - hibernate - shut down - restart * Note: This feature is only available to DASH out-of-band connection Example: 1) util power 2) util power -o "power on" util boot [-c ] [-o ] -c specifies a boot configuration to be used. -o specifies the ordered boot source list separated by ";". - if no option provided, CLI will show supported boot configurations, current boot order and unused boot source. - if only "-c" option is provided, selected boot configurations, current boot order and unused boot source will be listed. - if both "-c" and "-o" options are provided, the configure will be saved. * Note: This feature is only available to DASH out-of-band connection Example: 1) util boot 2) util boot -c "one time" 3) util boot -c "one time" -o "CD-ROM;USB Device;HardDrive" util media -o [-f ] This command will connect/disconnect media redirection. -o specifies either connect or disconnect. -f specifies the URI of the image file for media drive to connect. * Note: This feature is only available to DASH out-of-band connection Example: 1) util media -f "" -o connect 2) util media -o disconnect util fwupdate -f util fwupdate [-f -n {[-i DEFERRESET] [-i FORCE] [-i REBOOT]} [-b ]] - if no option provided, CLI will show supported Firmware list for in-band connection. - if options are provided, CLI will perform firmware update base on the options. -f option is used to specify the URI for the firmware binary file. For in-band connection, only tftp and file URI are supported. For out-of-band connection, only http and https URI are supported. -n is required for in-band to specify firmware name for the firmware to be updated. should be one of the entries listed by 'util fwupdate' command. This option is not applicable to out-of-band. [-i DEFERRESET] [-i FORCE] and [-i REBOOT] are install options supported by in-band only. -b is used to specify the iSCSI boot code option if iSCSI firmware is selected, could be ipv4, ipv6 or IPv4n6. It is supported by in-band only. Example: 1) util fwupdate 2) to upgrade firmware for out-of-band: util fwupdate -f "" 3) to upgrade firmware for in-band: util fwupdate -f "tftp://" -n "[0009] Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2 - Management Controller DASH Firmware DASH" -i FORCE util log [-o