; $Id: 86dos 1968 2008-06-26 05:55:25Z hharte $ ; ; SIMH/AltairZ80 Configuration File for SCP 86-DOS v1.0 ; Copyright (c) 2008 Howard M. Harte ; www.86dos.org ; ; Press to get into the Monitor, and then type ; 'B' to boot 86-DOS. ; set cpu 8086 ; load SCP Monitor load 86mon.bin 0 load 86mon.bin ff800 ; Set serial port for SCP set sio port=f6/0/0/0/0/F/0/T set sio port=f7/0/2/0/1/F/0/F set sio ansi ; Set up Cromemco 4FDC disk controller, with RDOS ROM disabled. set cromfdc norom set cromfdc en set wd179x en d cromfdc fdctype 4 att cromfdc0 86dos.imd ; Start monitor, press enter to get '>' prompt. echo echo Press to get monitor prompt, then type 'B' to boot echo go ffff0