Update to : intercep.zip =========================================================================== Primary purpose : Single + coop play =========================================================================== Title : Interception Filename : intercep.wad Release date : 1/16/2013 Author : The Interceptors Email Address : [redacted] Misc. Author Info : The Interceptors are: Mappers: -Matt534Dog Author : Matthew DeCalzadilla Aliases : Matt534Dog, Moustachio Contributions : MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP07, MAP12 (with sgt dopey), MAP19 (with Marnetmar and Pottus), MAP20, & MAP30. Other files by me : DOOM: The Way id Did: Lost Episodes (E4M7), Moon Escape! Comments : Read my final thoughts below! -valkiriforce Author : Michael Jan Krizik Aliases : valkiriforce Webpage : Check deviantArt / YouTube for valkiriforce Contributions : MAP05, MAP11, MAP18, MAP24 (w/C30N9), MAP32 Other files by me : Doom Core, Reverie, Eternally Yours, Doom II Unleashed MAP13 & MAP30, Plutonia Revisited MAP22, TNT2 MAP07 MAP11 MAP31 MAP32, October MAP04 MAP05, two maps for Back to Saturn X. Comments : Really enjoyed making these maps. This is probably one of the better projects I've taken part in. I'm glad we got a good team together working on some classic-style levels. I'm very sad to hear of phobosdeimos1's passing away. I remember talking with him through private messages. He would ask for advice on level design and I would be as descriptive as I could on my view of designing a level. RIP phobosdeimos1. -Processingcontrol Author : Eli Cohen Aliases : ProcessingControl Webpage : None Contributions : Map14, Map28, & Map31 Other files by me : The Central Core, Cave-Room, Castle of Fear, DoomHero85's Speedmap Session 001 (Map02), 32in24-11: Occupy Doomworld (Map37), Doom The Way id Did (E3M8), Urban Fire, Community Chest 4 (Map14), 32in24-12: IRON MAPPER (Map26), Slaughterfest 2012 (Map33) Comments : T'was a fun megawad to map for and playtest -purist: Author : Chris Bourke Aliases : purist Webpage : http://www.hellbent.iwarp.com/box_widget.html Contributions : MAP08 and MAP26 (shared with Memfis) Other files by me : Canary Squadron, Hell Bent E1, October 2011 (MAP01-03), PCCP (MAP35), Hadephobia (MAP04, 09, 15, 20, 24, 29, 34) Comments : A good bunch of mappers and nice team to be on. It was especially enlightening collaborating with Memfis. -C30N9 Author : C30N9 Contributions: MAP10, MAP24 with valkiriforce and MAP25 Other files by me: MAP14 from Hadephobia, MAP04 with Joshy PRCP, The Mort. -Razen Author : Ashton Bahnmiller Aliases : Razen / Molten_ Webpage : http://blankbox.net/ (Not really doom related but w/e) Contributions : Map09,& MAP17 Other files by me : n/a Comments : I liked working on this project a lot. Inspiration was hard to come by (Mostly because I'm still fairly new to mapping, and I was surrounded by extremely talented people) but I think I pulled through in the end. I had a lot of fun testing, and the other mappers were a joy to work with. -Memfis Author : Memfis Aliases : kuchitsu Webpage : no personal page but I am kuchitsu on last.fm and myanimelist.net, and kuchitsu4 on youtube.com (forgot the password for kuchitsu so had to make another account) Contributions : MAP13 and part of MAP26 Other files by me : sbspd020 MAP02, ht MAP17, whitemar MAP04, vodeim21, kashimir, spd6 MAP12, stckblod, map18mem, greenday, kurogane, sf2011 MAP13, bofp, kukuku, horalky, kuchitsu Comments : Check out FranckFRAG's map16 for the best level\music in this wad. -sgt dopey Author : Danial Townsend Aliases : Sgt Dopey Webpage : none Contributions : Map12(with Matt534Dog) Other files by me : None released -Callum Guy Oliver (phobosdeimos1) (October 21, 1993 - January 10, 2012) -General Rainbow Bacon -franckFRAG -Marnetmar -Pottus Musicians: -XenoNemisis -stewboy Testers: -1ntru -Razen -Processingcontrol -gun_psycho Description : ==V1.4.5 UPDATE== Changelog: V1.4: -Fixed the game-breaking bugs in MAP19 and MAP29. -Fixed the internal DEHACKED lump. -Updated the three DEMO lumps. -Added an ENDOOM screen. V1.4.1: -Simplified part of MAP19 to fix a visplane overflow. -Removed ancient email addresses from WADINFO. -Placed deathmatch/co-op starts on maps where they were missing. -Various little bugs fixed (stuck things, open sectors, etc.). -MAP15 returned to its original form** (see MAP15 below). V1.4.2: -Fixed SKY3, which became misaligned with the previous update. V1.4.3: -Fixed a bug in MAP02 which caused a Hell Knight to get stuck in the ceiling, remaining unkillable. V1.4.4: -Fixed a bug in MAP09 where a Cacodemon would spawn in stuck in a wall at the start. V1.4.5: -Hell knight wouldn't spawn in on MAP09, preventing 100% kills. -Moved a lost soul out of a wall. -Moustachio (Matt534Dog), December 8, 2021 Interception is a vanilla-compatible megawad for DOOM II. In the far distant future, you are part of a team of marines, who are sent a distress signal from an archaeology site. Once you arrive, the rest of your team is killed by some nasty hell spawns. Now it's your job to stop the invasion, or die trying. Along the way, you explore ancient military bases, an underground necropolis, and Hell itself. Final Words from the Author: So, I've finally had a chance to sit down and write about my experiences making this wad. Before I go on any further, I'd just like to thank all of my wonderful teammates, who made this crazy dream wad of mine a reality. It's really been a blast working with all of you (even if there were some rough patches). I'd also like to give a final R.I.P. to phobosdeimos1, whose maps, although changed in this version, were sure to make the final cut. When I first started working on this project, I had no intent to make it a full 32-level megawad. In fact, I started this project as a two-map submission for TNT 2. For one reason or another, those maps were never submitted, and one of those maps never even made it into the final version. When my map submissions for DOOM: The Way id Did were rejected, it inspired me to start my own megawad, so that my maps would definitely make the cut. Selfish, I know; but, without that initial push, I would never have had the urge to map again, and my mapping skills would never have evolved. Although the reception from the Doomworld community was lackluster, I don't regret spending my time mapping for this one bit! I'm just glad I got the mapping practice (and some management experience on top of that)! I said it once and I'll say it again: it was a blast working on this project, and I'll see you all in Interception: Part II! ~Matt534Dog (MDC) -MAP01: Excavation Site (by Matt534Dog) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP02: Research Facility (by Matt534Dog) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP03: Flooded Caverns (by Matt534Dog) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP04: Medical Center (by Matt534Dog) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP05: Level name : Dangerous Curves Author(s) : Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : None that I know about. Inspiration : Jens Nielsen maps Author's comments : I'm very satisfied with this one. The detail may not be as good as I like, but I wanted to make a level that had a clever progression involved (hidden lifts/switches/ teleports/etc). I think finding the secrets on this map can be really rewarding. -MAP06: Rail Terminal 38 (by phobosdeimos1) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP07: Floodgates (by Matt534Dog) Music Track by XenoNemisis -Map08: Level name : Panopticon Author(s) : purist Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder Bugs : A seg overflow in the courtyard, which isn't very noticeable. Some tutti-frutti near the exit unless Matt fixed that (I did ;) ~Matt). Inspiration : Wikipedia for the name. The rest fell into place. Authors comments : I had wanted to make a map based on an old Dickensian poorhouse and a futuristic version of this seemed to suit Matt's E1 theme of ancient tech bases. I googled work houses for inspiration and stumbled upon a wiki site for panopticons, which are buildings designed so that most of it can be seen from one place. This felt like an interesting thing to create in Doom, but limiting too. I am quite satisfied with map overall but if I was to make it again I would make it more grimy and dirty. -Map09: Level name : Iron Jungle Author(s) : Razen (Ashton Bahnmiller) Music Track by: stewboy Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : Some secrets are unreachable (May have been fixed) Inspiration : Not sure Authors comments : This map went through a lot of iterations, mostly because I was never really happy with what I had done. Each "version" usually ended with me scrapping the map halfway through, or finishing the starting area and realizing I didn't like it that much. As the cutoff date neared closer and closer things got a bit hectic for me because I wasn't able to work at the leisurely pace I'm used to, but I think it worked out in the end. The map is obviously very cramped and vertically-oriented (Something I'm actually rather partial to, despite vanilla limitations), but I think I did pretty good working with the theme. Enemy encounters are absolutely terrible though, and it's something I plan to work on in my future maps. -MAP10: Level name : Chemical Laboratory Author(s) : C30N9 Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 Bugs : Uknown Authors comments : This was inspired by map from CC3, and it wasn't too long to finish it. The name IMO doesn't fit really, but I didn't think about any other names. -MAP11: Level name : The Ocean Outpost Author(s) : Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : None that I know of. Inspiration : The Master Levels / Eternal Doom Author's comments : This was originally made to be part of a map set I was working on where I was planning to make Doom II-style levels in a large setting like Eternal Doom. Anyway, I did away with that idea and made it part of this map set. Not much story behind this, just wanted a non-linear stage with an option of exiting with at least two keys. -Map12: Level name : Underearth Author(s) : Sgt Dopey & Matt534Dog Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 maybe GZDoomBuilder Bugs : The maze that rises out of the ground breaks in ZDoom (unless in DOOM(Strict) Compat. Mode) Inspiration : Can't remember Authors comments : I designed this map ages ago and I can't remember much of what I did so yeah. The start area was different to what it is now, and because I'm crap I ran out of inspiration and gave up on it and that's when Matt534Dog finished it. ~sgt dopey The best part of mapping this map was that I didn't do most of it. ;) ~Matt534Dog (MDC) -MAP13: Level name : Castle Grounds Author : Memfis Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor used : Doom Builder 1.68 Bugs : Texture misalignments, possibly HOM in the main area (I managed to get something like 255/256 segs from one point in chocorenderlimits) Inspiration : Some Hell Revealed maps, texturing in Doom 2 map11. Author's comments : There are some fun/challenging fights but also a lot of filler, boring backtracking, etc. Some areas look underdetailed to me and the ending is very anticlimactic. I originally used music from Hell Revealed m16 for this map but Matt wanted all new soundtrack. -Map14: Level name : Antidote Author(s) : Eli "ProcessingControl" Cohen Music Track by: Stewboy Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : A few seg overflows, but they aren't very noticable Inspiration : Jim Flynn's maps Authors comments : I started planning this map once I joined the Interception team, but work didn't really start moving until I began playing some of Jim Flynn's wads. I was impressed at his style of blending realistic and abstract architecture, inspiring me to create something similar. Two months of work went by, and soon I completed this hellish hospital. I think I achieved my goal successfully: many of the areas are clearly hospital-ish but the architecture still remains very doom-ish. I also I think I did good job on the gameplay; unlike most of the levels I had made before this, I created the layout at the same time as I did the monster placement, allowing me to experiment with how the structure of rooms affected the gameplay. However probably my favorite aspect of the map is the layout -- notice how you can traverse the path to and from the red key in two different directions, each with different effects on the gameplay. -MAP15: Elm Street (by phobosdeimos1) Music Track by XenoNemisis **Note on MAP15: As it was originally uploaded, I had posthumously edited MAP15 from phobosdeimos1's original submission. Aside from visually altering the map, I also introduced a series of bugs and changed the gameplay. I had always considered this a grave mistake, and so, with this revision, I've decided to include phobosdeimos1's original, unaltered submission for MAP15 (aside from removing a couple visual mode camera objects). -Moustachio (Matt534Dog), 2020 -MAP16: Vertigo Plant (by franckFRAG) Music Track by stewboy -Map17: Level name : Hell House Author(s) : Razen (Ashton Bahnmiller) Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : None that I know of :) Inspiration : Once again, not really sure Authors comments : This map didn't go through nearly as many iterations as MAP10, but in the end I had one completed map I wasn't satisfied with, 3 unfinished maps, and the final product. The first scrapped map was completely different from the finished product. It featured a more open design, with holes in the ceiling showing the skybox of the underground city. The main reason I decided to scrap it was because it wasn't very well suited for coop, and I don't think the open design was handled that well (Especially for one of my first mapping projects). For the finished map I decided to take the beginning of the first scrapped map, a house, and go crazy with the design. I had a lot of fun and I'm actually very proud of this map, I think it turned out great. -MAP18: Level name : City of Burning Sulfur Author(s) : Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : None Inspiration : Memento Mori II / Jim Flynn Author's comments : I remember Matt534Dog talking about an underground city-theme for episode 2. I was thinking a little bit about how I did that with Doom Core MAP13, but otherwise I've never played an underground city type level before. So there was a lot of just trying to come up with my own ideas on how that would look. The somewhat hellish-type areas with red rocks and bricks were a little more inspired from Memento Mori II, however. The southern marble building on the other hand was something more Jim Flynn-inspired. There was originally a 3D bridge crossing over from the red building to the marble building just northeast from the starting point, but I was told to remove it in favor of multiplayer not breaking the effect. So I added rocky platforms to replace the 3D bridge. -MAP19: Alpha Tower (by Matt534Dog + Marnetmar + Pottus) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP20: Beta Tower (by Matt534Dog) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP21: Wrong Dimension (by phobosdeimos1) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP22: Bone Dread (by phobosdeimos1) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP23: Abysmal Affliction (by Pottus) Music Track by stewboy -MAP24: Level name : Bloody Castle Author(s) : C30N9 / Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : None Inspiration : Ultimate Doom episode 4 / Plutonia Experiment (valkiriforce) Old Plutonia map (C30N9) Author's comments : C30N9 started this map by making the starting area and everything that leads to the red key. He was about to scrap it until I expressed interest in a collaborative effort. I did the area leading to the blue key as well as the last area you teleport to in the map. I made some edits to the areas that were previously established. I added the monster closets in the hallway to the red key, added the lift at the start. Added windows to the left and right of the yellow key room, two platforms northwest and northeast of the yellow key room that hold the Cacodemons. Added the red key switch north from the yellow key room. Added the yellow key bars leading to the teleport. Added the marble face south of the yellow key room. Slightly edited the function of the red key lift, and I think I added the torches in the red key hallway as well. He did some monster / item placement mostly leading to the red key room, but otherwise I did all the other monster / item placement from there. ~valkiriforce I done the first part of the map (till you reach the moving bars room and take the key), but I wasn't able to complete it for having a mapper's block. valkiriforce came in and completed it while maintaining the same theme. He did pretty much great. ~C30N9 -MAP25: Level name : Demon's Spite Author(s) : C30N9 Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 Bugs : Uknown Inspiration : One of my very old maps Authors comments : I finally made my old map in a new style and packed it up into an actual /idgames file. The blood textured way was made by me lots of times in different maps in the same theme, but none of them were actually released. As for the wood room, it isn't connected, it's just a new idea. -Map26: Level name : Wrecking Fist Author(s) : Memfis and purist Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder, Doom Builder 1.68. Bugs : Texture misalignments, also there is a trick that makes getting the soulsphere secret somewhat easier (not sure if intended, purist made that part). Inspiration : Memfis' original layout (purist). Warcade5.wad, some Alien Vendetta maps (Memfis). Authors comments : I'm not sure how long Memfis intended this map to be but I took over because he said he couldn't finish and a lot of the work had already done. It was cool to inherit this neat, non-linear layout that I could colour in with small aesthetical touches and monster placement and expand with a few smallish areas. I really just felt like I was wrapping up Memfis' work as I thought if I expanded by too much the discrepancy in our mapping skills would be too obvious :-) The bezerk spree at the end turns out optional if you've managed ammo well against the arch viles, pain elementals and cyberdemon but that's better than leaving players too short in those fights. Memfis did the layout other than the bezerk exit and one or two other small additions. I added detail in several areas, most notably the outdoor parts. I did most of the thing placement save for the start area and the arch vile fight for the key. This is a really good level and I can freely say that since it's not all mine :-) ~Purist I made a significant portion of this map but lost interest so I posted unfinished version in the development thread. Then purist picked up and finished it. No sure what I think about the final result because I imagined it differently but it's at least not bad. I originally used music from Doom 2 m18 for this map but Matt wanted all new soundtrack. ~Memfis -MAP27: Blood Siege (by Pottus) Music Track by XenoNemisis -Map28: Level name : Amongst the Ash Author(s) : Eli "ProcessingControl" Cohen Music Track by: stewboy Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : Not really a bug, but players using(G)ZDoom (and possibly other source ports) must switch on vanilla Doom compatibility settings to get the blue key. Inspiration : E4 & AV Map27-29 Authors comments : My best Doom map as of yet. It has creative traps, beautiful architecture, and a switch puzzle that'll surely drive some players crazy. What more could you want. :) The whole thing took nearly a year to complete. I originally intended it be a short (heh) romp trough a small E4-style castle, and I started it right after finishing Map31. I got about half of the yellow key wing done before taking a break to work for TNT2, and then another one to work on Map17. By the time I returned there was only about a month left till the project's deadline. This was a few weeks after I completed AV, and the awesomeness of it's last few levels certainly influenced the work I did revamping the old parts of the map and finishing the yellow key wing. However, by the time I completed that chunk of the map I only had 2 days left until the deadline. Without enough time to create something entirely new, I decided to hellify an unfinished Doom The Way id Did submission that was lying around on my hard drive. -MAP29: Barbatos' Fortress (by General Rainbow Bacon) Music Track by XenoNemisis -MAP30: Interception (by Matt534Dog) Music Track by XenoNemisis -Map31: Level name : Degravitation Author(s) : Eli "ProcessingControl" Cohen Music Track by: stewboy Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : None known Inspiration : Stole the concept from Icarus Authors comments : My first Interception map. It's not nearly as good as the other two, though I guess I'm pretty satisfied with the one-week build time, which is ultra-fast by my standards. The theme is the level's main attraction, though in retrospect I think I could have handled it better. For example, the main cavern could definitely use loads of more height variation. In Icarus Map20 (one of the two levels in that wad that this was inspired by), not only did the concept have better execution, but it was extended by having both upside-down and "normal" treks through the same abstract structure. Still, there are a few things here that hopefully make playing it worthwhile. I don't think the idea for the secret exit has ever been used before... -MAP32: Level name : The Cataclysm Author(s) : Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) Music Track by: XenoNemisis Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 Bugs : None Inspiration : John Romero / Orin Flaharty Author's comments : This was also intended for that map set that was going to be like Eternal Doom combined with Doom II's theme. This was the second map to MAP11 which was going to be MAP01. Anyway, here it is now appropriately placed as a secret map. I had a lot of fun working on this map; I love the height-level variation going on around this map. Some secrets may be a little tough to find, so keep your eyes out for some of the 'inconsistent' textures (or you could just look at the editor...). Texture Alignment and Various Changes: Pottus Title Screen Music: XenoNemisis Intermission Screen Music: XenoNemisis Text Screen Music: XenoNemisis Additional Credits to : id Software for DOOM II, and fraggle for Chocolate DOOM. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 32 Sounds : No Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes Other : No * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP01-MAP32 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Roughly 2 years Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors