=========================================================================== Title : ZDoom Catch The Chicken v4.0 Filename : zctc.zip Release date : 23rd September 2006 Author : Cutmanmike and HotWax Email Address : cutman@ikillclowns.com Other Files By Author : Various. Misc. Author Info : HotWax is a legend. Description : ZCTC is a Zdoom mod to try and capture the popular Quake 2 and 3 mod Catch the chicken. ZCTC should run on any map without certain scripts in. Take care when picking maps. Any damaging pits that you can't escape will seriously kill the gameplay. For more info see the Wiki page: http://www.zdoom.org/wiki/index.php?title=Zdoom_Catch_The_Chicken Additional Credits to: The original CTC team for the concept, and awesome mod. Randy for ZDoom and Graf Zahl for GZDoom. HotWax for his grand scripting skills. Raven, for the chicken graphics. SlayeR for his awesome Lump editor. Phobus for playtesting and "Culture Clash" Zippy for "Cold Cock" Wills for three other maps. Me for a bunch of maps and putting this thing together, Anyone else I haven't mentioned who should be here. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : Yes (Seperate Map Pack) Sounds : Yes Music : Yes (In the Map Pack) Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No (Uses Decorate and ACS) Demos : No Other : LOADACS so it can work on any map. Various Zdoom lumps. * Play Information * Game : Doom and Doom II Map # : Any, or use the map pack. Single Player : Yes for checking stuff. Cooperative 2+ Players : No. Deathmatch 2+ Players : Yes. Difficulty Settings : Any Source Port : Zdoom (At least version 2.1.5) or Gzdoom. * Construction * Base : From scratch. Build Time : Over two years thanks to HotWax leaving (And Cutman being lazy) Editor(s) used : Wadauthor, SlumpeD. Known Bugs : When too many scripts are activated at once, the chicken may vanish. But thanks to HotWax's ChickenSaver(TM), the clucker will respawn shortly. May Not Run With... : Anything that isn't called Gzdoom or Zdoom. * Copyright / Permissions * Raven owns the chicken graphics. Don't steal anything without permission. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/