=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : ZDoom Primary purpose : Deathmatch =========================================================================== Title : Winter Themed Deathmatch Filename : winterdm.wad Release date : Jan 15, 2004 Author : Marcin Tyler Szot - MarchWhelp - BlueOasis Email Address : marchwhelp@yahoo.com Other Files By Author : It's the first! Misc. Author Info : Syracuse University student. Enjoying my life by studying, partying, and making Doom levels. Description : The levels of this deathmatch wad all have a particular winter/christmas (no offense) theme. I was actually inspired by an xmas wad by the ByteBrothers that was released a long time ago. It only had two levels, but it took place in a lovely village with christmas decorations. Even the enemies were changed to presents, reindeer, snowmen, etc. Well I have played that wad once a year ever since then during christmas (i know i'm crazy). I borrowed a few textures from that wad and now I have constructed this deathmatch; I suppose to re-live that earlier xmas wad. Enough about inspiration and all that mushy stuff, let me describe this wad. It is a deathmatch wad, nine levels, winter themed. Each level is supposed to be unique to the wad pack. In other words, I tried my hardest to make all of the levels vastly different from one another. A variety so to speak, but each with some element of winter init, whether it be snow on the ground, snowing, christmas decor, etc. The style that the players will battle it out in the levels also varies, with some levels being more suited for say 4 players, while others are suited for large brawls. Of course I kept a consistency overall...but before I blab on (ha!) let me break it down to a "brief" summary of each level: Map01 - "The Snow Fortress" Suggested Players - 4 Fully aware that the name of this level is horrible, however its structured around the main arena in the center with paths enclosing it. The area next to the BFG can actually become a secondary arena depending on the players' BFG desire and knowledge of the map. Map02 - "Outpost" Suggested Players - 2,3,4 A small and basic arena that meshes with a cave. The small arena is where most of the frags will end up, although wandering players may meet up one another in the side paths off the arena. The BFG requires a leap, but in this small basic arena it will be devestating. Map03 - "Neighbors" Suggested Players - 6 & up Two opposing 'houses'. Each has its own layout, with the pancase decorated house containing more paths and small duels. The tech based house contains an arena with a BFG that will become a killzone for aggressive players. The windows in both houses allow the players to make potshots at players who are dueling in the 'main' arena which is the outside between the two houses. Thus, we have the 'main' arena where most of the players will meet out of passing, and the secondary arena which contains a BFG. Map04 - "Library Rumble" Suggested Players - 4 & up Takes place in a two story library, where players can fire from the second level onto the first. Rough supershot gun fights will happen between the bookcases on the first floor, and there should be some considerable long-range fighting on the second floor (rockets+plasma). The outside BFG room will become a decent fight if a player decides to camp it. Map05 - "The Caverns" Suggested Players - 4 & up This map has paths which wind around the main arena, creating a decent flow for wandering players. Each path will cause encounters to be short, since they tend to be close in proximity with an abundance of the super shotgun and plasma. Map06 - "Village Brawl" Suggested Players - 4 to 8 The setting is a remote village which is celebrating a lovely christmas. No offense meant by my selection of christmas. Anyways, the village is pretty straightforward with no central arena, although players may end up guarding the ammo store since it contains tons of weapons. Close range fighting with the super shotgun is the main course, so fine tune those reaction times. Map07 - "07 Session" Suggested Players - 2 & up I built this map with our favorite, Map07 from Doom2 in mind. The weapon choices are exactly the same as Dwango5's Map07, but the architecture is a bit different. Not many tactics to consider except to keep moving, keep that trigger finger ready, and make cheap shots into the inside of the arena. Players tend to run low on health after a duel, and you'll be surprised how many long ranged super shotgun blasts will end up in frags. Map08 - "The Lakeside Base" Suggested Players - 2 to 6 Takes place on a tech base in the middle of a frozen lake. The main arena is in the back of the base, with a teleporter that will allow access to the BFG. One player deathmatch start is on the BFG island, to increase variety in tactics. The main weapon will either be the plasma, located near the water, or close range super shotgun fighting (as always!). I do think that the BFG can be devestating in the arena though, so get grab it! Map09 - "Frozen" Suggested Players - 4 to 10 Less finesseful fighting, and more blasting everything. The layout is a main arena with an architectally significant building in the middle. The inside of this building can be thought of as a pseudo-secondary arena, although I think the paths around the main arena will be hot spots as well. Cheap shots from the windows shouldn't be too effective, and no the lava doesn't damage! Additional Credits to : Sprite Credits Shotgun - DarkHour.wad Chaingun - Justin Fisher Plasma Rifle - My own PS work! Crazy eh Tree/LampPost - ByteBrother's Xmas.wad Texture Credits Title, Snak8_1, HELL5_1 - Aaron Kirsch's PS work Cartoony Snow,grey brick wall,door - ByteBrother's Xmas.wad Realistic Snow/Dirt Wall - Nightmare1.wad Sound Credits All sound effects were collected from various wads which allowed the grabbing of these sound effects, (dwango, exec, tlsdm, etc.) At least I think I took sound effects from those wads. Music Credits obsession.mid - unknown serenity.mid - unknown Breathoflife.mid - Chris adlbtekk.mid - plsmith@lvcm.com starcruz.mid - unknown Youreyes.mid - Arthur Lusby The rest were found among various wads (dwango most notably), and two were from Mike Fisher's music based wad. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : Yes Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : No Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map01 - Map09 Single Player : Player start only Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for Other game styles : Team Deathmatch would be fun Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : A month and half...well a bit longer Editor(s) used : DoomBuilder, XWE, Wintex Known Bugs : Hopefully none... May Not Run With... : Vanilla doom2.exe * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. Please email me if you intend to build onto my levels and be sure to give me appropriate credit. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: http://www.lap-files.tk/ http://web.syr.edu/~mtszot/winterdm.zip