================================================================ Title : ROKS ROCKET ARENA Filename : ROKS_RA.ZIP Date : 1/31/1998 Author : Marc A. Pullen [FANATIC] Email Address : marcpullen@mindspring.com Misc. Author Info : The New Breed -all levels, coding, sounds, and graphics HacX -Levels 03, 16, and 17, various textures and some coding GothicDM2 -about 14 MIDI's ROKS -maps, sprites, coding, sounds, music Description : Enhancement to ROKS, faster rockets, more damage, more max rocket ammo, 150 starting health, and start with a rocket launcher (no other weapons) Additional Credits to : Banjo Software Everyone that worked on GothicDM 1 and 2 Kennith Scott for getting me a position at Banjo Software DOOM Legacy source port authors id for being kewl guys ================================================= = REQUIRES ORIGINAL ROKS AND LEGACY SOURCE PORT = ================================================= ==================== = Play Information = ==================== Game : DOOM II Source Port : DOOM Legacy preferred, BOOM or ZDOOM Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : N/A Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A Difficulty Settings : N/A New Sounds : N/A New Graphics : N/A New Music : N/A Demos Replaced : N/A This is ONLY a new DeHackEd file and ROKS_RA.BAT to run ROKS as a ROCKET ARENA style game. Super enhanced rocket launcher and higher starting health. There are no maps for this as of yet, but there will be soon! Check http://www.mindspring.com/~andyboy for any upcoming ROKS RA maps! Quake 2 has it's RA, so now here it is for DOOM and ROKS! ======================= = Editing Information = ======================= Since this is a Rocket Arena style mod, please only use rocket launchers in your maps. The startup weapon is a rocket launcher, so really you only need to place ammo (either boxes or individual rockets). *IMPORTANT NOTE*: the player starts with the rocket launcher, but *NO* ammo. They will revert to the fists unless they get ammo immediately. I can't find a workaround for this (without using the source code...). You can place either lots of ammo or rocket launchers, either will do fine, just make sure there's ammo near each DM start position. Anything goes as far as design. Large areas are great, since we have MLOOK in Legacy to shoot at the floors. Keep in mind that the player starts with 150 health, but rockets do 40 damage instead of 25, and are much faster in th air. Armour should be a nice treat for everyone in the map as well. ================ = Construction = ================ Base : Modified ROKS.DEH and new startup batch file Build time : 20 minutes Editor(s) used : DeHackEd Known Bugs : None ====================== = Installing ROKS RA = ====================== Unzip ROKS_RA.ZIP to your DOOM2 directory using directory structure. You should have something that looks as such when complete: C:\DOOM2\ROKS_RA.BAT (startup file) C:\DOOM2\ROKS\ROKS_RA.DEH (DeHackEd patch file) There is *NO* patch work needed (like using DeHackEd or DEU), the new source ports can do that upon startup, and patching is no longer necessary. =================== = Playing ROKS RA = =================== Open a DOS prompt, change to your DOOM2 directory, run ROKS_RA. Edit ROKS_RA.BAT to suit your needs as well. ================ = REQUIREMENTS = ================ You MUST have DOOM2 version 1.9 for this to work. Upgrades to 1.9 are available at: http://www.idsoftware.com/archives/doomii.html You MUST have ROKS installed: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom2/levels/doom2/deathmatch/Legacy/roks.zip You MUST have DOOMBOT 3.2 installed: ftp://ftp.doomnation.com/frag/doomnation/doombot/dbot23.zip You need to have DOOM Legacy installed in your DOOM2 directory (should be called DOOM3.EXE and DOOM3.WAD). http://www.frag.com/doomlegacy (about 700k) ROKS should work with BOOM and ZDOOM, but I developed ROKS using Legacy and it's abilities. And lastly you need to have GOTHICTX.WAD in your DOOM2 directory. ftp://members.aol.com:/gothicdm/gothic2/gothictx.zip (about 2 megs) =========================== = Copyright / Permissions = =========================== Authors MAY use this MOD as a base to build additional levels, but please ONLY use rocket launchers in the maps, and indicate that it needs all the above mentioned files in your text file. You MAY distribute this ZIP file, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You DO NOT have permission to kill anyone. The term "Someone" in the ROKS title means a computer generated DOOM marine, not real people. ========================== = Where to get this file = ========================== FTP sites: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom2/levels/doom2/deathmatch/Legacy Other: http://www.mindspring.com/~andyboy http://www.doomworld.com