=========================================================================== Title : Pot City Filenames : potcity.wad potcity.txt Date Finished : 02/02/02 (heh) Author : Brendt Pantley a.k.a. Megalyth Web Site : http://megalyth.slipgate.org Email Address : methfish@hotmail.com Misc. Author Info : 19 year old male living in Port Jervis, NY. Gamer, metal-head, pot smoker. Description : Doom II deathmatch wad taking place in a strange hellish base sort of thing... This began as an experiment of the mind and it's ability to conjure up alternate realities and such. I sat for an entire day smoking myself euphoric and editing levels, and this is the result. I threw some small monsters in as well, if you like something besides fellow marines to slap around. Thanks to : id Software for Doom Ben Morris for DCK The creators of Wintex half ounce of hydro and my trusty bowl :) =========================================================================== * Play Information * Episode : DOOM II and source port of your choice Level : map01 Single Player : Yes (just to look around) Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Music : Music from Doom E1M3 New Graphics : Sky texture from Evilution Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : none Build Time : 10 hours Editor(s) used : DCK v3.62 Wintex v4.3 Known Bugs : With Doom II you will experience VPO errors and visplane related crashes. Running this in any limit-removing source port should be fine, but you know how bugs can be. Email me if you find any. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional levels. Distribute this however you want, as long as this text file is included. * Where to get this WAD * http://megalyth.slipgate.org