Date Completed : March 5,1999 Title : Liquid Filename : liquid.wad Other Works : Eulogy 1-9, Artica 1-4, Dismemberment, Running Scared 1-2 (SP) Descent 1-2, Surge 10 maps (DM) and for you Q2 folks: cybdm01.bsp Author : Cyberdemon (Mike Watson) Email Address : Description : Four Boom enhanced, Quake 2 inspired DM maps. I say Q2 inspired because of the damage sectors, although there aren't any death traps. Not a lot of convayers like in Reclimation(there are two, but they don't mess with gameplay). The maps are focused more on gameplay then looks, although I tried to make them look nice they won't slow to a crawl if you have a p90(at least I hope not). Additional Credits to : id Software for Doom 2, TeamTNT for Boom and Reclimation which helped me figure out a few new uses for Boom's scrolling floors. Also grosse, Covaro and Ricrob for beta testing. =============================================================== * Play Information * Game : doom2.wad with Boom, PRBoom, MBF or ZDoom Level # : 1-4 Single Player : If you must Cooperative 2-4 Player : Supported, but it will suck Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implimented(or really needed) New Sounds : I needed a player jump sound, so I stole it from Q2. Of course he sounds different then the Doom guy so I replaced all his sounds. Then I replaced the lift and door sounds with those from Q2. Live with it. New Graphics : Status bar from thetick.wad( Bar is DM only(because it's a DM wad, duh) New Music : map01: the .mus from Dwango5 Map01 map02: ???(by David Shaw I think) map03: Eulogy, TOOL map04: the .mus from Doom E1M1 intermission: The X-Files title: Last, NIN Demos Replaced : None for compatibility reasons(ZDoom demos just refuse to run with Boom doggoneit!) * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch, sky is combinations of skys from Doom and Doom 2. Sounds from Q2, midi's found on my HD Editor(s) used : WadEd, Wadauthor, WinTex, Warm and PSP Build time : To freaking long Known Bugs : The sky, for some reason, displays screwed up from some perspectives with ZDoom. I don't know why it does this, but it works fine with Boom and MBF. * Maps * map01: Hazard map02: Walking on Air map03: ju4r3zh0u53 map04: ph33r (Leetspeak translation: map03: Warehouse; map04: Fear) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided that you include all files included in your distribution(as in, this text file) Where to Get this wad: Same place you got this text file ya freaking moron