View me with win9x NOTEPAD or ms-dos EDIT! ============================================================================== Title : A1 Stud Muffin's SNiPER 2000 - Doom Legacy Edition (minor text fix) Authors : Michael Hopkins (aka Digital Thought) email: (If this changes, check my website) website : Michael Davies (aka A1 Stud Muffin) email : website : Filename : A1-SNiPE.WAD Author Info : DT : Currently doing all manner of webmastery things for his four websites, going to Swinburne University (Prahran), studying a bachelor of design : multimedia design (woohoo!). Designing levels (at the time of writing) for Unreal Tournament. SNiPE UT edition! A1 : Studying stuff at uni also. Doing web-type things. Being sociable. You know the drill. Also doing (at time of writing) levels for Unreal Tournament. Level Description : Originally started back in the dark ages of Doom1 (v1.2!), the interior of the silver building was all that was in A1-SNiPE, as drawn by A1. He then gave me a copy of the level and said "draw the rest". So I did. And it got released. And on many BBS' I visited where it existed, it was one of the top downloads. Joy! I followed it up with KK-SNiPE, being a near total remake. But as all derivative works go, it wasn't that great. I tried again with A1-SNP2, the 'proper' sequel, containing a rebuilt interior of the silver building and a new southern area. I also included A1-SNiPE Deluxe as level two, for peoples enjoyment. Again, this sequel just didn't have that special je ne sais quoi that made the original so great. So, I took the deluxe edition of the original and fixed up some more of the problems, playtested it like crazy, rearranged things for better playability, and released A1-SNiPE Deluxe2. Now with Doom Legacy, I just *had* to implement their spiffy water effect, which has finally worked wonders on this level. 32 player deathmatch is supported, and there's a bit more ammo to compensate. It rocks. There are a few problems near the north tunnel entrance, but blame their water effect instead (; Joy. The 2000 edition has been fairly extensively updated and tweaked, adding lots of DL specific features. Even though I have a P2/400 with a 12meg Voodoo2 card, there's just SOMETHING about Doom that keeps drawing me back. I guess it could be that for many, including myself, Doom was a way of life. No other games have EVER managed that in recent years. With the release of the Doom Legacy update, maybe this level as well as the many other superb efforts that are out there will get another look. Or maybe I'm just being wishful. Though I hope I'm not... This is a minor update over the old A1-SNPDL.ZIP which updates this text description ONLY as our addresses and whathaveyou have changed. It is also because we're now linking to the file from our UT site for the UT version of this level! Check it out at - The UT version of SNiPE rocks... Compare the Doom2 version with the UT version, and see all the wonders a true 3D environ can bring. As for the Quake2 version --- the Quake engine sucks and couldn't handle this level. UT can. I love UT. *** Important : *** You will need a copy of Doom Legacy to play this level visit and check it out! ============================================================================== Preamble :- This PWAD replaces numerous textures and also MAP01. It is designed for DEATHMATCHING!!! 32 players are supported, although if people are finding the playing area too small, EMAIL ME and I will create a third section. Till I hear from someone I won't touch the main design ethic. However, it would be nice to hear about how you went, maybe even an LMP (email first with how big it is, PLS!). This level is great, but make sure that people have been allowed to check it out first. BTW, to open the southern building entrance, grab the backpack on the western pillar. Just stops ppl getting the BFG instantly. To exit, it is a mutual operation. There are marked switches on each level, and marked exits. One goes to the switch, the other to the exit. One pulls the switch and the exit is revealed. Then the other can exit the level. The music is taken from a site that are believed to be FREE. This PWAD has taken a total of well over 50 hours to make and tweak so far. So it is very good. Yes, I really am a perfectionist ;) It was built from scratch and is entirely my work and design. So I guess you can say it is (c) 1992-99. There. Copyright Stuff: You CAN'T... repeat... CAN'T re-distrib any modified versions. Sure, feck it up completely on your own system, but just don't copy it. Easy. You may not take ANY credit for anything you steal from this PWAD. Nyer. If you wish to reuse any art, ASK ME FIRST. YOU DO **N O T** HAVE PERMISSION OTHERWISE!!! You must include both the files in any redistribution. That is, this file, and the >unmodified< PWAD itself. You can stick this >unmodified< ZIP file on a CD if u like. You can upload it to ftp sites - I've already put it on FTP.CDROM.COM and thus all the mirrors associated. So don't waste their time uploading it again. Thx. You can distribute it on your website. Or anything really. You could print it out in binary and scan it back in and see whether you could use OCR accurately with non-standard characters, although I guess that would fail because some ASCii characters are white, including the spacebar. If you should review this PWAD, >PLEASE<, drop me a line. I'd love to know what you think. Or just send me some email! Yeah! What a REVELATION! I am attempting to make a Quake2 version of this ... but it's hard. So it might be released or it might not. See how it goes, eh? Email me if you want some more info on this. --Small white mouse named Quentin... what the HELL was I on???