=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Update to : Advanced engine needed : UMAPINFO compatible ports (GZDoom 4.1.3 or later, or prboom+ Primary purpose : Single Player =========================================================================== Title : Gimmicky Challenge Maps Filename : ph_clng.zip Release date : 30/11/19 Author : James "Phobus" Cresswell Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : All available at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W9YJEHQ_6xt1ldH3Oo3Kh2kvWT70oLDZ Misc. Author Info : Is going to hit 2020 a man unencumbered by old, unfinished projects Description : A 5-pack of single-map episodes. The maps are the more gimmicky ones from a cancelled 30-map challenge project I've been idling on for the last 5-6 years (the other 10 maps are in other projects now). Full descriptions of each map are at the end of the text file. Aside from MAP08, all of these maps were in a demo release a few years ago, and MAP04 also appeared in the Doomworld 2018 1-hour speedmapping compilation. Additional Credits to : id Software (Doom, Doom II) CodeImp (DoomBuilder 2, GZDoomBuilder-bugfix [with MaxEd and others], DBX [with anotak]) Simon "Slayer" Judd/sirjuddington (SLumpEd, SLADE3) Microsoft (Paint XP) aap (DoomWord.exe) Lexus Alyus (all new music) Pottus (red sky) esselfortium (cc4-tex.wad - where I got the lava and brown slime falls from) Realm667 Repository (credited by memfis for the Green Bloody Mess sprite from kuchitsu) =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 5 Sounds : No Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : DECORATE (optional), UMAPINFO Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01, MAP04, MAP07, MAP08 and MAP31 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 14 hours (compiling and resources) with 19 hours of mapping over 5 years Editor(s) used : DoomBuilder 2, SLumpEd, Paint XP, DoomWord, GZDoomBuilder-bugfix, SLADE3, Doom Builder X Known Bugs : None May Not Run With... : Vanilla Doom II; non-limit-removing ports; non-UMAPINFO ports * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W9YJEHQ_6xt1ldH3Oo3Kh2kvWT70oLDZ FTP sites: =========================================================================== * Individual map information * MAP01: Beatdown Challenge: Tyson (only weapons on slots 1 and 2) Theme: Base with surrounding natural area Build Time: 4 hours Date Finished: 27/09/2014 Music: "C_burninflag" by Lexus Alyus Description: A tiny installation that you appear outside of, which is hounded by a Cyberdemon. Luckily, if he gets indoors, you can telefrag him eventually - everything else is fodder for your fists or his rockets, if you're feeling brave. You start on a Berserk Pack, just to make sure you get the message on what kind of Beatdown this is. One thing I learnt about myself doing this map is that I really don't enjoy implementing my Cyberdemon gimmick map plans - this presumably is why so many of my prior attempts at ideas similar to this have been stillborn. Still, this one was small and simple, so I soldiered through! MAP04: Lure of the Grave Challenge: 1-hour speed map Theme: Hellish Cave Build Time: 65 minutes (not including testing, but including post-test tweaks/fixes) Date Finished: 18/05/2014 Music: "Warm Bassy" by Lexus Alyus Description: A small, violent hunt for a couple of keys, set in a cave, with a little stone structure at the end. Your main challenge will be avoiding killing yourself in the close quarters battles and keeping abreast of all the traps. I didn't quite meet the hour for development, but I figure 5-10 minutes for polish isn't too bad when a lot of the other maps aren't made under time constraints. I picked this music track more because it was short than because the map is atmospheric; I didn't want to waste a more complex or enjoyable one on a map that can be UV-Max'd in about 2 minutes. This map was released in the Doomworld 1-Hour Speedmapping: 2018 Edition compilation as MAP29. MAP07: TENacity Challenge: 10 Sector Theme: Plutonia, using Doom II textures Build Time: 3.5 hours Date Finished: 18/05/2014 Music: "02_Defmarch Live" by Lexus Alyus Description: A sort of gauntlet that you can either run for massive infighting and chaos, or chip away at carefully. I've never made a 10-sector map before, so I probably could have done a better job of it with practice, but everything works and the map neither looks nor plays like arse, so I'm happy enough with it! Theme could also be described as "extra-generic Doom II", with staples such as METAL2, BIGBRIK and BRONZE forming a large part of the texturing. The overly-symmetrical layout certainly isn't Plutonia-inspired and the lack of in-map SSG also detracts from the feel a bit, but I think the early battle feels about right, even if things ease off afterwards. You'll be overstocked by the end of the map if you collect everything, but that's the cost of allowing players to hammer through as well. Hopefully the applause in the MIDI adds to the "arena" atmosphere rather than just irritates you, as that's just how it is! MAP08: Manc Hunt Challenge: 1 monster type Theme: Base/Caves Build Time: 7.5 hours Date Finished: 20/05/2017 Music: "14_War machine" by Lexus Alyus Description: Combining the fact that I've only ever done this limitation with Zombiemen (my cancelled Phobus Doom E1 opener - also a Tyson map), Imps and Cacodemons (both of these in the first two maps on Tiny Pack 1) with how heavily armed a continuous player will be at this point, I figured it was time to go to the other end of the scale and use a heavy hitter. However, as MAP01 told me implementing Cyberdemon gimmicks isn't really my thing either (plus I'll not be topping Cyberdreams), I ruled them out too. Arch-Viles have been done to death and Pain Elementals require Lost Souls as a secondary, so from a choice of Chaingunners, Revenants, Arachnotrons, Mancubi, Barons, Hell Knights and Spider Masterminds, I figured fatties needed more love, and set out to create projectile hell. Using the powers of MAPINFO, I have used Tag 666 on this map! MAP31: Chokehold Challenge: 512x512 Theme: Urban Build Time: 3 hours Date Finished: 16/05/2015 Music: "C_scrapbrain" by Lexus Alyus Description: A claustrophobic collection of corridors, lifts and rooms crammed into a 512 map unit square which is mostly dangerous due to you needing to kill the enemies quickly. The outdoor area was inspired by a Dutch Devil 1024 map I remember playing, which gave the illusion of being in a much larger map - I've not gone for anything near as intricate, but just used the additional space to give the player a harder time. This is probably one of the weaker maps in the set, as the limitation really was a problem for me.