Title : DOOM: A Megawad in Two Weeks Filename : Megaw2.zip Date : 22|03|07 (day, month, year). Author : Various, in no particular order: Bloodskull, Torn Vegeta, Farhaven, Lupinx-Kassman, Cadman, Icarus, Janitor, Lizard-Commando, Shtbag667, Johnatone. Email Address : alexisaiello@hotmail.com (Vegeta's address) Misc. Author Info : We all love DOOM, that's all what you need to know. Description : The idea behind this was to create a classic DOOM Megawad in two weeks. You can follow the development of the project at this thread in the doomworld.com forums http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39487 As calling the project DOOM 3 should be way too ambitous, we droped the idea, but the mod follows the plot right where Final DOOM lefts out. There are multiple references and alusion to elements from other chapters in the DOOM series, I'll send a special prize to the first who sends me a list of them all. In case you like to add some background before playing you can read the plot right here (I put it now so you don't get tired before reading it). But before that I want to advise you that jumping is not allowed. -------------------The Story so far----------------------------------------- Prelude: The invasion to the lunar bases of Mars, and to Earth itself divided the UAC in two, the ones who wanted to cancel the teleportation experiments, and these, who because of their giant potential thought that the tests were needed to be hold, yet with extreme caution. After debates, the second position emerged victorious. The UAC installed its labs, this time in Jupiter, one of the farthest bases from Earth, under a high military vigilance. The massacre caused by the attack of the gigantic biomecanomagical ship showcased that the project had to be cancelled definitely. Almost in an unanimity way, the decision to start the programmed Plutonia Experiment was taken. With the quantum accelerator the different gates to hell were detected and sealed. The almost catastrophic incident on Congo was kept as a secret. When you killed the Gate Keeper in the devil hive, the last gateway of hell was closed. After endless nightmares you finally could rest. But that peace didn’t last long. Today: You were assigned as security chief in the Teitenga Complex located at the Moon. A few hours ago a magnetic signal was detected in the radar; the source was identified inside a crater close to the installations. The explorer team was send, guarded by a squad of marines you selected. After the initial tests, they found a "hidden-doorway", with inscriptions of an ancient civilization. You ordered extreme caution, but once the explorers started to open it, all communications collapse including the communications with Earth. The gate has been open revealing hell in it's most crude form. A wave of fire burned all the men there, and demons start spawning all over the complex butchering everyone in the base. You get to the hangar and deactivate the landing pads. At the other side of the corner you hear demon growls, gun fires, and the dying scream of the two marines that scouted you. Now there's only one thing to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files included : Megaw2.txt - this file. Megaw2.wad - the mod Credits: -Vegeta: Text file, plot, project leader, monster sprites, in game pictures (titlepic, credits,and the rest of these), little touches to two of the skies part of the compilation work, minor touches to the MAPINFO. Maps: 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 11. Touches to maps 07 09 12 13 14 16. -Bloodskull: Map 13 -Torn: Map 15 -Lupinx-Kassman: Map 16 -Lizard-Commando: Map 12 -Cadman: Map 10 (he wants to notice that it's an old map, he doesn't map like this anymore, yet I think it's a nice map). -Icarus: Maps: 07 09 -Johnatone: Map 14 -Janitor: MAPINFO -Farhaven: DECORATE code, extra sprite for one of the bosses. Compilation work. -SHTBAG667: Some fixes in the DECORATE code, the projectile sprite of one of the bosses. Aditional Credits : id Software, Edmundo Bordeu for the wonderful artwork at the end of the mod, Sarge Baldy for the texture patch (it allows to use DOOM textures in DOOM 2). I added three new skies to it. Enjay for the hell sky, the graphic was extracted from enjayd2.wad, you can find it in the archives or Maximum DOOM. The author of the level editors and lump tools we used Jasc Software for Paint shop Pro. Midway for two sounds we used with one of the bosses. Rick Clark for his Power Core prefab used in map16. The textfile for the prefab has been appended to the bottom of this textfile. Special thanks to : Everyone who followed the thread, and specialy to all these who tried to build a map but couldn't finish on time. All who try this out, and still play DOOM. I really hope you enjoy this. Gameplay notes : The mod is designed for classic DOOM gameplay so while it requires the latest version of Zdoom or GZdoom (because of the codes), jumping is not allowed. I recomend to disable the the free look too, and not to strech the skies. The first maps were designed by me (Vegeta), with the exception of map07. I positioned them there because they're short and easy, and have the same style of design. Some may find them a bit bland or underdetailed, I hope not, but if so, I want to note that advanced maps have higher detail. Still please give a try to play the megawad from scratch, it wont take too much time to beat the first maps. You may find them easy, well I wanted to involve you and get your attention to complete the whole megawad. Source port notes : The maps only use classic DOOM features with the exception of the boss arenas where pillars lower when the bosses die. Still some of my maps are kinda old and were designed with Zeth, an utility that adds Zdoom's unique stuff to the map no matter what lines or sectors types it uses, so with the exception of these maps (and boss arenas) all maps can be played with any limit removing port. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM 2 Levels # : MAP01 - MAP16 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (in some maps, yet you'll be fine on UV) New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : Two new themes, and many musics from DOOM Demos Replaced : No Source port required : Latest version of Zdoom or Gzdoom Playtested with : I don't know the others, personaly I used Gzdoom. If for some reason you can't play this with Zdoom, try Gzdoom and you'll be alright. * Construction * Base : New maps from scratch, many of them were old maps polished out (still all from scratch, and none of them was uploaded yet). Build time : Two weeks for mapping, four days for compilation works and what not. This doesn't count the time used the fist time with the maps that now where recycled o polished. Editor(s) used : Many Known Bugs : -Some minor misalignments -There's a little problem with the first boss, but nothing serious. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use the maps to build other projects, but MAY use the monsters and other stuff as far as you give the proper credit. You MAY distribute the stuff inside the zip, provided you include this file with no modifications. * Where to get this WAD * If you are reading this is because you know the answer. -- Text file for Power Core prefab used in MAP16 -- ================================================================ Prefab : Power Core Filenames : pwrcore.wad Author : Rick Clark Email Address : rickdale@flash.net Homepage : http://www.flash.net/~rickdale Description : This is a power core. Additional Credits to : id and TeamTNT ================================================================ * Information * Engine : Boom Base Wad : doom2.wad Sector Count : 9 Linedef Count : 52 Thing Count : 0 New Textures Added : No New Flats Added : No New Sprites Added : No ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Please include this text file when using this prefab.