**********LAST DAY ON EARTH episode I********** Filename: LASTEP1.WAD (LAST.DEH for levelnames and story) Game: DOOM II - Source port required Episode and level: MAP 01-11 Single player: Yes Cooperative: Not tested Deathmatch: Yes Difficulty Settings: Yes New Sounds: No New Graphics: A few textures New Music: Yes! Demos Replaced: None. Different source ports have different effects on demos Base: New levels from scratch Editor(s) used: BSP, DeePsea, Wadauthor, Windeu, Wintex ** Copyright / Permissions ** Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ** Where to get this WAD ** http://www.doom.fr.fm/ Story Three years ago today you were the marine stationed on a small earth base when a transmission warning of the imminent total invasion of the planet was received. The planet is still being rebuilt little by little, and the faint traces of demonic presence are being removed as effectively as an entire planet's population can. The UAC conglomerate, responsible for the first experiment gone horribly wrong has been dismantled, leaving only a few small labs and abandoned towers. This horrible anniversary only reminds you of what you wish you could forget. You try not to think about it, instead concentrating on your intercom. A staticy message penetrates. You solidify the signal to try to get some sort of meaning out of it. " . . immediate military support. They did it again! Help us!" Garbled, unintelligable, and yet painfully clear. Again, the not quite dead UAC experimented with gateways, and again, hell is on earth. In a matter of time, you're the one sent down to cut off their entry point to the rest of the planet. You know you can't do it alone, but as your superiors explain to you, it's the only option. You need to keep them at bay for twenty-four hours before a full air-strike on the area can kill all the hellspawn. And you, with it. This is your last day on earth. Credits Laurent "Lau" Remy TEAM LEADER, MAPS Jonathan "Mantra" Croce MAPS Micah "Kronic" Joyner MAPS Tom "Hyena" White MAPS, MUSIC, GRAPHICS, TEXTURES Tomi "Lu Wang" Rajala MAPS Rez BETATESTING Jamie Robertson MUSIC Maps MAP ## -- Map name -- Author (Touchups) MAP 01 -- UAC Underground Base -- Lau (Mantra and Hyena) MAP 02 -- Experimental Lab -- Lau (Mantra and Hyena) MAP 03 -- Water Treatment Plant -- Lau MAP 04 -- Shotgun Factory -- Mantra MAP 05 -- The Jail -- Kronic (Hyena) MAP 06 -- UAC Centre -- Hyena MAP 07 -- Inmost Mines -- Lau MAP 08 -- Military Station -- Lu Wang MAP 09 -- Medical Facility -- Lau MAP 10 -- UAC Tower -- Lau MAP 11 -- Doorway -- Lau Music Title music -- Last Day On Earth by Marylin Manson (adapted by Jamie Robertson) MAP01 -- Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson MAP02 -- A Warm Place by Nine Inch Nails MAP03 -- The Becoming by Nine Inch Nails MAP04 -- Down In The Park by Marilyn Manson MAP05 -- Tier by Rammstein MAP06 -- Heart Of Fire from Castlevania (Konami) MAP07 -- Head Like A Hole by Nine Inch Nails MAP08 -- Dark Aurora by Hyena MAP09 -- Coma White by Marilyn Manson MAP10 -- The Reflecting God by Marilyn Manson MAP11 -- Karma Police by Radiohead Intermission -- Help Me, I Am In Hell by Nine Inch Nails Story music -- Something I Can Never Have by Nine Inch Nails Special Thanks Id Software -- for more than is obvious. Nark -- for spending months digging up unused textures. Teppic -- for the title screen. François-Xavier Delmotte -- for textures. Chrozoron, Mr Unknown -- for beta tests. Sarah -- for introducing Lau to music. Nick -- for testing HellKnight's levels. The Lurons -- "Eating is good but drinking is better." The words meh, heh, spanks, etc. that provided humour throughout the megawad. Canada -- for Kronic and Hyena, but mostly the word hoser. To everyone who e-mailed us -- we know who you are and where you live.