=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : This version does NOT contain the DeHackEd guns for the project. Also included in the .zip is 2048EX_v1.4.wad, which contains 6 extra maps. This an update version of 2048 Units of /vr/ - Clean Edition! Update to : 2048 Units of /vr/ - Clean Edition Advanced engine needed : Boom Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : 2048 Units of /vr/ - Clean Edition Filename : 2048vr_v1.6.zip Release date : 10/21/20 Author : Various Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : 100 Minutes of /vr/, 200 Minutes of /vr/, & 300 Minutes of /vr/ Misc. Author Info : /vr/ - Retro Games, Doom General Description : This project contains 32 maps in the main wad, plus an additional 6 that didn't make the cut contained in the extra wad. Inspired by projects like MAYhem 2048 and Congestion 1024, we sought to make a project with similar restrictions: make a boom-compatible map where the playable areas are within a 2048x2048 unit space and optionally use textures from gothictx. This version of the wad does not contain the DeHackEd guns. Feel free to experiment with mods of your choice. Additional Credits to : Level Design: Spooky Cacodemon, aan, Sandsculker, Khodoque, EnragedEggplant, ViolentBeetle, Chopblock223, A2Rob, Repugnus, Mr. B, Sitri, Brxyz, punch you in the face man, manuk3r, Samuel Samuelson, Bartekmil, Washing Machine Enthusiasts, kakroucz, charcola, LunchLunch, Anonymous Sloth, Vaeros, & Anonymous =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 38; 32 in 2048vr_v1.6.wad, 6 in 2048EX_v1.4.wad Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes Other : Internal MAPINFO lump Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : 01-32 ; 01-06 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : ~2 months Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doombuilder, Slade Known Bugs : May still contain some texture misalignments. MAP04 in the extra wad is basically unfinished, but still playable. May Not Run With : Any port not compatible with Boom Tested With : PrBoom+, GZDoom, Eternity * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: https://boards.4channel.org/vr/catalog#s=doom%20thread ** 2048 Units of /vr/ (v1.6) - Credits ** Title Music: Title theme to Crucified Dreams by Vincent Fong Intermission Music: E1M9.mus from Heretic Text Crawl Music: "The Yawning World" by James Paddock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAP01: Gatehouse Author: Spooky Cacodemon Music: MIDI version of The Only Thing They Fear Is You from Doom Eternal Fixes: Added difficulty settings, aligned a few textures. Removed imp outside of map, added missing texture. Difficulty: Easy ~ MAP02: You're a drunk loser, and not the cool kind Author: aan Music: MIDI rendition of "Every Day I Die" by Gary Numan Fixes: Fixed a fucky linedef. Difficulty: Easy ~ MAP03: Roundabout Cliffside Author: SandSculker Music: Blue Water, Blue Sky" - Guilty Gear XX. Arranged by Feathers https://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps2/ Fixes: Fixed a slime trail near the rocket launcher, moved a medikit slightly that telports up when the floor moves in the red skull room. Moved a trigger so that it's not missable. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP04: Lobachevsky Overdrive Author: Khodoque Music: "Press the Button" By Technology midi by MIN www.midi.ru/song/112167/ Fixes: Fixed an out of place brick texture that appears when the walls lower in the red key room Difficulty: Easy ~ MAP05: Arrogance and Contempt Author: EnragedEggplant Music: "SA-X Appears" from Metroid Fusion Fixes: Changed the outside floor texture from the default base flat to an ash texture, also fixed some unpegged doors, replaced some cumbersome midtextures (now the map looks good in both hardware and software renderers!) Also rebuilt a small section from scratch due to recurring collission issues, let's hope this is over with now. Difficulty: Easy ~ MAP06: An Appointment With Mr. Pain Author: ViolentBeetle Music: D_SHAWN from Doom II Fixes: Fixed a set of midbars that could be passed through. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP07: Forsaken Stockades Author: ChopBlock223 Music: Map 01 track from the Rockit25 set, composed by Mr.Chris Fixes: Removed a softlock that could be found at the beginning of the map Shaved away a lot of those stupid wallposts, fixed a huge slimetrail, adjusted some textures. Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP08: Belial's Bachelor Pad Author: Repugnus Music: Midi rendition of "Hang Castle" from Sonic Heroes by Stacy Anne Christiansen https://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gamecube/Sonic_Heroes_Hang_Castle.mid Fixes: Moved stairs slightly in the evil eye hallway to make sure nobody gets under the bars. Removed a few fucky linedefs outside the map. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP09: Precipice HQ (2048wipV2) Author: Mr. B Music: "Smoke and Mirrors" from the Rise of the Triad soundtrack (added by project lead) Fixes: Fixed some unpegged doortracks, added some support beams to divide some windows that were difficult to adjust without screwing up the midbars Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP10: Sewers Author: Sitri Music: "Water World" from the Duke Nukem 3D soundtrack (added by project lead) Fixes: Fixed some STARTAN that was never retextured Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP11: Retirement Grease Author: Sitri Music: Prayers in the Machine.mid by Alfonzo http://alfonzo.the-powerhouse.net/Bloody%20Rust%202/ Fixes: Fixed teleport boxes for some imps so they could enter the level and get killed. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP12: Suspiral Author: punch you in the face man Music: "Suspense Reprise" from Eternal Doom Fixes: Made the teleport box near the end of the level more efficient. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP13: Barge In Author: Khodoque Music: "Voyage, Voyage" by Desireless, cover by Sergei Minaev, midified by Andrei Khodakov (www.midi.ru/song/149626/) Fixes: Raised up mountain slightly to avoid cutting off the skybox. Fixed teleporters so the trees loop. Boxed in some linedefs outside the map so GzDoom would stop complaining. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP14: Shipwreck Cavern Author: Samuel Samuelson Music: https://www.vgmusic.com/file/ab3406c54e2e0671b199d9df67c211b3.html#disqus_thread Fixes: / Difficulty: Medium Note: Thought this would be a good follow up to "Barge In" because of the ship theme. ~ MAP15: Caliginous Cauldron Author: Washing Machine Enthusiasts Music: "Hell's Furnace" by Tristan Clark (aka Eris Falling) from TNT: Revilution. Fixes: Shifted the imp window cubbies in the main hall so wall textures could be aligned. Fixed a missable secret tag, fixed it so you can't get stuck by Revenants at a trap. Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP16: Ghoul Grotto Author: Brxyz Music: Midi of Cavern Caprice from DKC3 sequenced by Lutarez Fixes: Cleaned away some extraneous linedefs outside the map (I did this to a lot of levels) Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP17: 30 Days in the Cooler For Talking Author: A2Rob Music: "Escape Velocity" by James Paddock Fixes: / Difficulty: Medium Note: RSKY1 appears in this map because the author used a sky transfer, NOT A BUG. ~ MAP18: Straight Walled Rooms Author: manuk3r Music: tc_the_beheading_of_king_charles_i (donated by Khodoque) Fixes: Removed a softlock by making a door repeatable. Shifted an ambush so it's not very easily missable, adjusted a floor slightly. Fixed an incorrect linedef action probably applied when I did the previous fix. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP19: Trifecta Author: kakroucz Music: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow-Clock Tower (https://www.khinsider.com/midi/gba/castlevania-aria-of-sorrow) Fixes: Added difficulties. Fixed a few out of place textures on the exit bars. Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP20: Baal's Coliseum Author: Bartekmil Music: MIDI rendition of "The Arena" theme from Aria of sorrow credits: World of game mids (http://www.mirsoft.info/gmb/music_info.php?id_ele=MTM3NjI=) Fixes: Added a marker to the yellow key door. Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP21: Tiny Fragment Author: charcola Music: "Aliens, Say Your Prayers!" from Duke Nukem 3D Fixes: / Difficulty: Medium ~ MAP22: The Wretched Scythe Hole Author: aan Music: UN43.mid from the unused Doom music compilation Fixes: / Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP23: For They Defiled Our Waters Author: LunchLunch Music: Glitter Gulch Mine Factory Remix (https://www.khinsider.com/midi/n64/banjo-tooie) Fixes: Made start door openable from the inside indefinitely. Can now also be opened from the outside once you get the yellow key. Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP24: Badass Billy's Party Palace (formerly Good Boy's Club) Author: Anonymous Sloth Music: Midi rendition of TMNT theme Fixes: Fixed some texture misalignments Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP25: Maniacal Menstruation Author: Anonymous Music: The Enchanted Cathedral from Hexen 2 Fixes: / Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP26: The Dark Sanctuary Author: Vaeros Music: Heretic E1M3.mid Fixes: Fixed a teleporter which was inside out. Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP27: Welcome to the Peanut Gallery Author: LunchLunch Music: Fungi Forest Mine Cart (https://www.khinsider.com/midi/n64/donkey-kong-64) Fixes: Fixed some fucky sectors and linedefs. Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP28: Bleak Cinders Author: ChopBlock223 Music: Music is the E3M3 track from the Rockit25 set, composed by Mr.Chris (Famously heard in JPCP's Map 08). Fixes: Made it possible to trigger the "Secret is revealed" message in the partial invisibility secret. Made it so you can't leap into the hole the Cyberdemon is hidden in by removing the hole and just having him teleport into place later instead. (Thus also removing some exploits some gameplay mods would net you). Redid the central pillars so the textures loop perfectly. Redid the switch setup in the twin Archie encounter, because it was so fucking everyone thought it was just misaligned, NO, it was just a really bad design decision. Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP29: Black Crest Author: Brxyz Music: Space Boss theme from the Adventures of Batman and Robin sequenced by TheVideoGame (with some edits) Fixes: Removed some extraneous linedefs outside the level, boxed in some functional linedefs. Tweaked difficulty slightly. Difficulty: Very Hard ~ MAP30: Tyrant's Starless Realms Author: Chopblock223 (5 map submissions, deserves a round of applause!) Music: Track 04 from the .wad "Ol' No Name", composed by James Paddock Fixes: Added some more ammo. Also tried to cut down somewhat on some detail you can't even see, because if you use a flashlight mod in GzDoom, the framerate, while otherwise perfectly fine drops like a fucking rock. Trimming didn't work, so just don't use a flashlight. Difficulty: Very Hard ~ MAP31: Minimalism Author: Washing Machine Enthusiasts Music: "Deep Into the Code" from Ultimate Doom Fixes: Fixed HOM, when the walls fell. Removed an untaggable secret. It's possible to get more than 100% credits for secrets due to how Donut and Change effects work, fixed. Difficulty: Hard (Very hard if going for secret exit) ~ MAP32: Club Boom Author: Washing Machine Enthusiasts Music: "Blue Monday" by New Order (MIDI conversion by anonymous) Fixes: Fixed conveyor so that it also works like it should in GzDoom Difficulty: Medium ~ ***2048EX_v1.4.wad MAP01: Vehement Onslaught Author: ChopBlock223 Music: From map 08 of Crucified Dreams, composed by Nick Baker. Fixes: / Difficulty: Hard Note: Author's blessing to put in an EXTRA slot (doesn't fit in a 2048x2048 space) Note from author: What a fucking waste of time this level was. ~ MAP02: The Dark Below Author: ChopBlock223 Music: A .midi recreation of the Judas Priest song Out In The Cold, unknown author. Fixes: Woke up Chaingunner in teleport box outside map. Difficulty: Hard Note: Also doesn't fit inside a 2048x2048 space ~ MAP03: Pointing You the Way Out Author: Anonymous Music: "Hate Machine" by James Paddock (Sigil: E5M1) Fixes: / Note: Kind of a clusterfuck, would be good in one of the EXTRA slots as an interesting challenge map Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP04: Roundabout Author: Anonymous Music: / Fixes: Fixed a hom, but there's too much that needs to be done with map to make it worth the effort. I fixed some more HOMs, but I largely agree. No hate, but it's slightly halfbaked. Difficulty: Hard Note: While it has an exit, this map seems unfinished. Another good candidate for an EXTRA slot. ~ MAP05: Inner Cloister Author: Anonymous Music: "The Gatehouse" from Heretic Fixes: Fixed some HOMs, Difficulty: Hard ~ MAP06: Missy Elliot Rodgers Author: LunchLunch Music: Kastle Kaos (DKC3) https://www.khinsider.com/midi/snes/donkey-kong-country-3 Fixes:Some teleporters weren't repeatable. Though this mapset has poor multiplayer support to begin with, it can't hurt. Difficulty: Hard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.6 Changelog: -Fixed a couple HOMs in Map18. -Fixed an issue in Map04 where an Imp and a Revenant were stuck inside of eachother on HMP. -Fixed an issue in Map29 where the yellow key would sometimes not teleport in. -Lowered the outer ceiling height in Map29 to prevent the Cacodemons from flying too high. 1.5 Changelog: -Redid the pillar/pit in Map05, redid that entire section of hallway even, let's hope that will be no more trouble. -Map24 didn't have its keys tagged for easy skills, fixed that. -Map13 was missing some linedef actions for crushers. -Map18 had an incorrect linedef action probably done accidentally by me last time. -Map18's music credits were also incorrect. -Fixed typographical error in Map11 textcrawl. -Fixed an error letting you get credits for one more secret than Map 31 actually has. 1.4 Changelog: -Cleaned up MANY extraneous linedefs outside of maps (mostly lines people drew for themselves to help stay within the 2048 limit). -Boxed in some functional linedefs outside of maps, because GzDoom complains if you don't. -Fixed some fucked up doubled linedefs here and there, some fucked up sectors. -Fixed the conveyor on MAP32 so that it also works properly on GzDoom. -Tweaked some teleport boxes here, some teleport boxes there. -Fixed a couple of missing textures and HOMs. -Fixed a couple of slimetrails. -Fixed one or two softlocks. -Reworked the DeHacked weapons set thoroughly, thanks a thousand to Hackfraud and Brxyz! DeHacked set now animates and sounds 90% like the smooth Decorate version. -Guns now integrated into the base version of 2048. -Fixed up the optional Decorate weapon set, also made a version compatible with Zandronum. -Recorded new demos for new versions. -Tweaked the big number 0, because it looked a bit much like an 8 at a glance. -Touched up RSKY1 a little bit to make it more seamless and natural looking. -Did way too many fixes to list all individually. 1.3 Changelog: -MAP03 had a linedef in the flesh tunnel you could avoid which released some monsters, now it's been replaced with a line that the player has no choice but to cross -Fixed a faulty pillar in MAP05 which would get the Archvile stuck -Adjusted some details on the beds MAP07 which restricted the player's movement slightly, along with some other minor tweaks -Made it possible for the trees to loop on the scrolling mountain in MAP13 so they don't ruin the illusion of movement by piling up at the end -Removed a secret tag in MAP15 which was easily missed due to a short step into the secret exit -Removed an secret tag in MAP31 which was impossible to trigger due to its location on a thin sector -MAP18 had a door near the opening which was tagged as S1- now it's repeatable. This map also had some shotgunners and imps that are easily missed due to a door shutting on the player, so the tag to trigger them was set to an earlier step -Adjusted some textures in MAP28 and altered the big reveal fight to make it more open for player maneuverability -Adjusted some textures/flats in MAP30 and added more ammo. Optimizations were also made to make this map run better in GZDoom ~~Thanks to Chopblock223 for the updates!~~ 1.2 Changelog: -Softlock in MAP03 taken care of -MAP05 & MAP07 slightly edited to work in MBF compatibilty (for the DeHackEd Guns) -MAP21 Hell Knight encounter altered, scratched walls fixed -MAP11 Hell Knights now teleport in when plasma secret is triggered -Fixed an inescapable death pit in MAP24 -Fixed a softlock in EX02 -Stuck Pinkies in EX04 are now free -BFG added to both 2048 Guns wads ~~Thanks to hackfraud and Chopblock223 for the edits and the guns!~~ Other Credits: -Project lead: Repugnus -TITLEPIC & M_DOOM by punch you in the face man -BOSSBACK by Vaeros -ENDOOM and Credit Pic by Repugnus -Alternate IoS , INTERPIC, Sky 2 & 3 textures by ChopBlock223 -Spawncube sprites from DN3D (edited by Chopblock223) -Sky1 by Predator (edit of Dbzone) (https://idsky.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=31) -Hud by punch you in the face man (Background and ammo icons are from Eternal Doom. Text is Stgotic font by Daniel Hernández. Numbers are Gargoyle Wing from Realm667 by Jimmy) -2048GUNS.wad by Chopblock223 -2048Guns DeHackEd Edition by hackfraud Special thanks to all the anons who helped playtest and posted feedback, you all helped immensely with the development of this project.