=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Remove mail address. Upload to levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/. Includes ''Additional Info'', Original Credits and original text. Uploaded with permission of Nigel ''Enjay'' Rowand. Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Operation Overlord ''vintage'' release Filename : njolvint.zip Release date : 04/27/20 (April 27, 2020) Original files dated 08/11/05 (August 11, 2005) Author : Nigel Rowand, alias ''Enjay''. Uploaded with permission by Rick ''Red'' Commandeur. Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : Quite a few. See ''Enjay'' at /idgames. Description : This is the original release of Operation Overlord, A single player level released in 2005. The current release is based on the GZDoom port and is found at this address: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/njol. Additional Info by Red : The original release of Operation Overlord relies on a custom executable called ZDuck.exe, based on ZDoom 2.0.63a, derived from a source modification called DoomFU. Both ZDuck and DoomFU were coded by Anonone. ZDuck adds a ducking feature, allowing the player to ''duck'' behind cover, whilst enemies cannot hit the player at a certain height.The original release was quickly followed up by a GZDoom-compatible version that included ducking as a new feature. See ''ORIGINAL TEXT'' at the bottom for further background information and installation instructions. This package is provided ''as-is''. It is uploaded for historical preservation and educational purposes only. You may use its contents, but the code is unsupported. I have prepared this package for inclusion on /idgames. Additional Credits to : Nigel ''Enjay'' Rowand (For Operation Overlord), Anonone (For DoomFU/ZDuck.exe), Rick ''Red'' Commandeur (Uploader), www.DoomWorld.com for hosting Original Credits : anonone for the modified engine Nash for the mounted chaingun render/sprite Scuba Steve - I ripped a couple of sprites from Action Doom Lots of other people who I ripped resources from. The following sources and more have been used. Blake Stone Half Life Blood Episode1 Racer Dark Forces Unreal Tournament Plutonia Experiment Thief ROTT Vietnam Duke3D Mod Archive Red Faction Strife MoHAA Monster Resource WAD And probably many others =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 1 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : No Other : No Other files required : All in the Zip * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map1 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : From scratch Build Time : about 3 days. It took longer to convert from Aspects to Doom. :/ Editor(s) used : DeePSea, PSP, DP, DEHACKED, Textpad, Goldwave, ModPlugTracker Known Bugs : None known May Not Run With... : Anything other than the custom engine. Zdoom 2.0.63a and higher might be OK but will not give full access to the level. * Copyright / Permissions * Because some of the resources in here are not mine (see additional credits above), I cannot give my usual "do what you like with it". Anything that is mine, you are free to use. If it is someone else's, then you really should be asking them. With that in mind... Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors =========================================================================== ORIGINAL TEXT: What follows is carried over from the original Overlord.txt. =========================================================================== Description : This is a level I did for a friend as part of my Aspects TC. He specifically requested a level where he "could do lots of sniping, hide behind stuff and fight enemies in depth positions where the enemies do not chase you all over the level". Well, he got what he wanted. As to whether this type of gameplay suits anyone else - who knows? The level has been taken almost directly from Aspects but has been "Doomified". i.e. the Aspects weapons (bar one) are not present and the whole thing has been set up slightly differently. I thought about making it like a "Marine Assault 2" because the weapons and feel are similar, but I wanted try and convert some of the Aspects enemies to DECORATE rather than their original dehacked. The enemies are "Incas". These are from the Aspects Role playing scenario. In the year 2386, the Inca Free Republic attacked Britain without warning, against all treaties and breaking many years of peace on planet Earth. The IFR is far from free, however, they are a fascist dictatorship with unworldly connections to greater powers. None of that should be taken to infer any prejudice against present day South American countries. It's just a story - nothing to do with the real world. Of course this is all irrelevant to "Operation Overlord" because I have made it for a UAC marine rather than the a British Galactic Police Association (BGPA) officer from the original Aspects TC. Why did I go for the Incas rather than making it a more obvious WWII German mod? I had the Inca sprites already, the level was set up for them, I wanted to use modern/ futuristic weapons and why not? That's how the original was made. :P Notes on the Engine : The mod also comes with it's own engine. This is a modified version of Zdoom 2.0.63a - thanks to anonone who kindly coded it for me. It includes the ducking code from the ZdoomFu mod (also by anonone). The mod should be playable with regular versions of Zdoom 2.0.63a+ but one secret cannot be entered and the whole point of the first part is to be able to duck behind the beach defences. At full doomguy height, the enemies can hit you when you stand behind even the taller defences. Ducked, they can't. Aspects now also uses this engine (with further modifications). Installing and Running : Unzip the files into a directory containing a Doom2 IWAD (Doom2.wad) Double click zduck.exe All the files are named in such a way as not to conflict with a Zdoom Install so you could just unzip to your Zdoom directory. When you start, it is important to configure the game. There are some new features that can be found at the end of the key configuration menu. Ducking/crouching - bound to C by default A range of sniper zoom modes - bound to Ins, Home, PgUp and End by default A crosshair toggler - bound to X by default. Use X to select your crosshair rather than the normal display menu. This will give you more crosshair options and register the crosshair you are using so that it can be restored after you have used the sniper scope. Throw grenade - bound to G by default. Throws a grenade if you have on in your inventory. Gameplay Notes : This is not intended to be a typical Doom level. You are supposed to sneak up the beach using the cover provided and sniping at the enemies. If that isn't to your taste, you probably won't like this mod. It wasn't made for you anyway. :P There are 2 inventory items - grenades and health packs. Grenades can be thrown to kill enemies (duh) Health packs can be gathered and carried around until needed. The doom stim packs and health packs have a new appearance but still work the same. The additional portable health packs look like the med packs but have a green cross instead of red. The BFG has been changed to a rail gun. This allows the sniping which is quite important for this level and the old BFG behaviour is not so useful. Other Stuff : This is a modified version of something from Aspects. It has had a lot of resources ripped out though, the Aspects weapons have all been dropped. music has been changed (mainly to allow smaller files for downloading) and quite a bit of other stuff has been changed. So, it's quite close to an Aspects Inca War level (Inca War is one of the 3 scenarios in Aspects), but doesn't really play quite like Aspects does. (Aspects is probably a bit easier due to the weapons).