=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : NaMcO Update to : none Advanced engine needed : GZDoom with hardware acceleration (filtering can be disabled) Primary purpose : Single player only =========================================================================== Title : Netherworld Filename : netherworld.wad Release date : 01.03.2021 Author : NaMcO Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : none Misc. Author Info : Description : You went to Mars, destroyed all the beasts, then returned to earth, destroyed all the beasts but... You forgot to wipe your own city from monsters and they have taken the opportunity to build a new base in one last attempt to take over the earth. Yeah, at the bottom again... Nether World. Additional Credits to : IDSOFTWARE, loads of available resources on the net, Sergeant_Mark_IV, Jimmy (some musics) and some more i don't remember =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 12 + 2 secrets Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : Yes Other : No Other files required : none * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : 01-12 plus 30 (final), 31 and 32 (secrets) Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : Should not be used with JUMP or MLOOK. As vanilla as possible taking advantage of some ZDOOM features. Difficulty Settings : Not implemented - Designed for Pistol Start on every level * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Around 4 months including getting to know SLADE, UDB, WAD formats, etc. Editor(s) used : SLADE, Ultimate Doom Builder Known Bugs : There is some minor building clipping in MAP07 from a certain angle at start May Not Run With : Will only run in ZDOOM most surely and requires hardware rendering for the sky to display properly. Filtering can be disabled. Tested With : GZDOOM latest stable at the time (4.5.0) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (MAY/may NOT) use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. (delete one of these two paragraphs:) You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: N/A FTP sites: N/A Directly : https://mega.nz/file/JUthFI5S#Qc34FBbYpQcPB51VDpNRRDiH0c9Dw_euAk3cbC3vcb4 Netherworld - Version 1.0 Completed 24.02.2021 ============================================== NOTE: There is a TL;DR section at the bottom, if you hate reading... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, for those who like stories, here we go... Netherworld is my very first attempt at building a MegaWAD for DOOMII - Hell on Earth. I have always enjoyed Ultimate DOOM the most, but recently, and very inspired by a YouTube channel ran by decino, my interest on DOOMII has outgrown the original by quite a margin. Being a software developer and really enjoying what i do, i decided to start creating my own levels and ideas and so Netherworld has come to life. Currently (MAR/2021) twelve maps plus an adapted boss level and two secrets have been developed in the course of three months (include the time to track, configure and learn how to use tools such as SLADE/GZDB/UDB, etc, which i had never seen before plus a bit of trial and error) and i can say i am really happy about them. Maps are currently being developed, it might take me some time to finish the whole series. I will not be forcing myself into writing more episodes "just because", when i run out of good ideas i'll just stop instead of adding mindless content like some other WADs do and lose quality. Main Characteristics ==================== - Built for GZDOOM. It will NOT work with other ports due to script and other features requirements. Avoid mouse look as it will spoil the experience, these maps were planned to be played as standard as possible (hardware acceleration required due to sky features) without running away from vanilla DOOM. - Music is a collection of other WAD midis (mainly by known musician Jimmy - which sound really nice) and some others from DOOM/HERETIC. - Only single player was taken into account (no deathmatch, etc) and all levels are designed to be played from the start with a pistol only. - There is no difference in monsters or powerups in harder levels, just the regular doom difficulty. These, as written above, are my first maps and there is noticeable technique improvement as you progress. The first map, The Arrival, shows some inexperience and simplicity which decreases, turning into rather complex maps by level 4 even if level 3 already has some surprises and even a story developed through scripting. Level 7 lends a few things from plutonia (you might recognize them), not because i was lazy but it just fit the purpose so nicely that i decided to use some bits and pieces here and there. Maps 4 to 8 are up until now my favorite. You will also notice i have switched slowly from spawning monsters that "do not exist" into teleporting existing monsters to the map, to make it easier to check for the actual monster count or whether something is missing/not explored. The pistol and chaingun fire faster, turning them into actually useful weapons and the Lost Souls health was reduced by 50% to make them less annoying and also a usable monster. I took these into consideration when placing weapons and monsters. The first map is a walk in the park for more experienced players while map 4 already stresses players skills some more. Map 7, as an example, is very very hard in some situations (it will seem simple at first) and might be deceiving for newbies. The rest i'll let you investigate :) So, here's what's been done... Difficulty ratings are given for pistol start, no saves and an "average player" but experienced players will find them easier. Keep in mind that if something seems too overwhelming, there IS a solution, you just have to look for it. I don't like to spawn random weaponry and ammunition or provide senseless killing, and although there is enough ammo to kill every single monster on each map, use it wisely as there isn't much excess. All maps require a bit of thought, some more, some less. MAP01 - The Arrival =================== You went to Mars, destroyed all the beasts, then returned to earth, destroyed all the beasts but... You forgot to wipe your own city from monsters and they have taken the opportunity to build a new base in one last attempt to take over the earth. Yeah, at the bottom again... Nether World. You start off in the premises of your city, where the monsters built an advanced outpost in order to stop whoever wants to enter. This is a "walk in the park" for experienced players with the occasional surprise :) I started building the level thinking it would be too difficult, when i was done with it i tought it was too easy :) Difficulty: EASY/MEDIUM Secrets: 5 MAP02 - The Underground Path ============================ After clearing up the premises, you decide to take a hidden tunnel which runs below the city and leads you to a secret entrance in the cemetery. This tunnel is heavily guarded and the passage to the cemetery is not easily accessible at all... You WILL sweat even if you're experienced. Difficulty: HARD/VERY HARD Secrets: 3 MAP03 - The Cemetery ==================== At the cemetery gates (did i hear this somewhere already?) you have a long path before the gate to the city can be opened. Mostly like the main entrance to the city, This area is heavily guarded by one of the most powerful bosses which you will meet and have to destroy in order to proceed. Expect the undead to rise from their graves. Difficulty: HARD Secrets: 4 MAP04 - The City ================ Finally reached the city but it doesn't look like you'll have an easy job ahead of you. A large section of your hometown is in ruins, toxic waste runs alongside the once beautiful river and several guardians intend to make you die here. Fight your way through the city, gather the keys to the sewers while you hunt for the monsters base. Difficulty: VERY HARD Secrets: 8 MAP05 - The Sewers ================== Descending into the sewers... Cleaning up the city was a hard effort, its guardian was a tough nut to crack but it revealed a hidden passageway into the city's sewer system which then leads to one of the storage facilities held by the demons. This is obviously well guarded, so proceed with caution. Difficulty: HARD Secrets: 4 MAP06 - The Underground Outpost =============================== A secret underground outpost has been found... Will there be a hidden base nobody knew about? You found it the hard way, but there seems to be an intricate network of outposts hidden well below the ground. Let's clean this one first and see what demon plans we can find afterwards. Difficulty: HARD Secrets: 5 Also leads to secret MAP30 (The Colosseum) MAP07 - The Two Towers ====================== Emerging from the underground outpost reveals the main source of power for the monster bases... Two nuclear towers which produce all required energy. Time to destroy them and try to cut down the hellish invasion down to a minimum, then head to the mountains and find the main base. Difficulty: VERY HARD Secrets: 7 MAP08 - The Mountains of Shahsalakth ==================================== After inactivating the huge nuclear power reactors, you are left at the bottom of the Shahsalakth mountains which lead to a probable location for the main demons base you think might exist. You spot a mysterious house on the other side of the mountains, let's head there and see if we can find additional clues. Difficulty: MEDIUM/HARD Secrets: 5 MAP09 - The House of a Thousand Secrets ======================================= The mysterious house seems to be a training ground for hellish troops. Several experiments with their own kind are taking place inside this once glorious palace now filled with traps and many secret rooms to explore. Difficulty: MEDIUM/HARD Secrets: 7 MAP10 - The Sacred Mask of Antiriad =================================== The mysterious house still holds some secrets... After exiting the experimental laboratory in the house, you discover a hidden library which then holds a few secrets of its own. The sacred Mask of Antiriad, a mask which holds mystical powers, has been stolen from the city museum and is being held in a force field by the demons, so recovering it will weaken their final assault even further. Difficulty: HARD Secrets: 9 MAP11 - The Secret Base Entrance ================================ As you exit the house, you notice a door with hellish inscriptions and by opening it you find the last secret the house has to offer... The secret base entrance! Somehow you knew it, there had to be a hidden place from where the demons were organizing their return. The entrance is an intricate place with huge caves beneath the mountains of Shahsalakth, leading to the base itself. Difficulty: HARD/VERY HARD Secrets: 5 MAP12 - The Demon's Last Resort =============================== Entering the base, you immediately notice pods where monsters are being created here on earth. You are then lead to the undergrounds once again where you find the operations center heavily guarded by powerful monsters. Nail it down and open the way to fight their master, erradicating them forever from the universe. Maybe. Difficulty: HARD/VERY HARD Secrets: 6 Also leads to Secret Level 32 (The Time Machine) MAP30 - The Entity ================== The final boss, an entity which caused all the hassle on mother earth. This level was not produced by me, it is an adaptation of iconboss.wad by Sergeant_Mark_IV for zdoom without jump and mouselook. Difficulty: HARD/VERY HARD Secrets: 1 MAP31 - The Colosseum (Secret Level 1) ====================================== An experimental, very enjoyable level where during a certain time you have to survive with limited, manually trigered ammo while random monsters spawn in a huge arena with not so many hiding spots. You can be so lucky as to only get imps spawned to kill with rocket ammo or as unlucky as getting to kill 10 Cyberdemons with the chaingun... As with previous levels, some degree of planning is required in order to better survive. Difficulty: MEDIUM/HARD Secrets: 0 MAP32 - The Time Machine (Secret Level 2) ========================================= You have been having bad dreams about returning to Mars all over again... Can this be possible, can the nightmare be happening once more? Difficulty: EASY Secrets: 4 Hope you enjoy Nuno "NaMcO" Pinto - namcojr@gmail.com THE TL;DR SECTION ================= Netherworld is my fisrt attempt at mapping for DOOM. It requires GZDOOM and DOOM2.WAD, features sprite animation fixes, some advanced scripting in several maps and was built for fun. There are slow maps, fast maps, maps with 1000+ monsters (well, one really...) and no mindless killing and stupid amounts of ammo. There are 2 episodes and 12 levels (plus two secrets) as i only built maps while i had new/fresh/good ideas. They ran out after these 12 levels, so that's how many i have made. If more inspiration or new good ideas return, more levels will probably be made. Short description of the levels: ================================ MAP01: The Arrival - My first ever map. Had some slight improvements as i built the rest of the maps, but i decided not to mess with it too much as a "demonstration" of my initial ideas and skill. I remember spending about 3 days on it and thinking how good it turned up. Pretty simple but still offers 2 or 3 surprises. MAP02: The Underground Path - Much harder, many more surprises and faster paced generally. You will sweat over this one. MAP03: The Cemetery - This will force you to think some more and plan a bit or you will not finish it. There are some well hidden secrets, but you will find them if you look with attention. It is a very difficult map, but i have tested it exhaustively to make sure it is playable without being stupidly impossible as i really hate that. There is some more skill put into it as i had learned a few tricks by then :) MAP04: The City - I don't want to claim any trophees here and i am a humble guy, but to my opinion this is one of the best city maps i have ever seen and i am happy to have created it. It is quite long (~45min to finish with all kills), very hard and will force you to plan and think how to overcome some obstacles. There is also a tough boss you need to take care of before proceeding to the next level (you can actually evade it, but it's far more fun to deal with it lol). MAP05: The Sewers - Yet again, i think i managed to build a nice sewer map. I've seen some good ones and even if i built it, i really enjoy playing it myself. There are a few clever surprises here, it is fast paced and the environment will really immerse you into a sewer. MAP06: The Underground Outpost - A slower map with quite a few puzzles which will require some thought to overcome. There will be many "WTFs", but i assure you it makes sense and it is fun in the end. Also leads to a secret level, the exit is NOT easy to figure out. MAP07: The Twin Towers - I have lent a few assets from Plutonia for this one as i think it fits the outcome i wanted for it nicely, so you might recognize one or two things here and there. Lots of open space, LOADS of enemies and very difficult sections await you. MAP08: The Mountains of Shahsalakth - A very fast paced not so long map with a beautiful environment and quite difficult too. After destroying the two towers this is where you will be left, in your pursuit of the hidden monster base. MAP09: The House of a Thousand Secrets - A not so fast-paced map with many traps and secrets. A nice fun puzzle is also included :) TIP: Don't try to use weapons on the Cyberdemon, there isn't enough ammo on the map to kill it :P MAP10: The Secret Mask of Antiriad - A hidden section of the house of secrets which leads to the base entrance. Tricky to get by in some sections and some new ideas were used here. MAP11: The Secret Base Entrance - The entrance to the secret base was finally found! Some more fun tricks and improved mapping techniques used here on a large map with tons of monsters (no mindless killing!) and two huge caves to explore. MAP12: The Demon's Last Resort - You finally made it to the monster's secret base, yet more fun tricks and traps, really hard but still fun to go through. The final section will surely stress you out and it will probably make you smile once you figure it out. MAP30: The Entity - This is the final boss, not produced by me, it is an adaptation of iconboss.wad by Sergeant_Mark_IV so that jump and mlook is not required. MAP31: A fun experimental level with some luck required for a successful ending. Not too hard though. MAP32: The Time machine - I am not going to spoil it, our hero keeps having nightmares of going back to Mars and this level is a representation of that :)