=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : GZdoom (tested on v3.6.0) Primary purpose : Single play (multiplayer version may come later) =========================================================================== Title : Hydrologica Filename : Hydrologica.wad Release date : 11.10.2018 (v1.1 update 7.1.2019) Author : Peter "Shawny" Blacha Email Address : plechisk@gmail.com Description : Started this map in January 2017 as a way to decrease my anxiety from getting a new job. Completed in October 2018 as a way to decrease my frustration and anger after losing said job. Anyway... this is a quite large, mosty open (no switch hunts, minimal colored doors) map with many ways to explore and complete the level. It was inspired by oldschool level design in which you can skip places and room on the map. Theme of the map is a remote UAC facility located on a rock island (and below) and your task is to destroy it by blowing up itīs thermal reactor. There are few autosave spots before more punishing/unfair bits of the map (Depends on difficulty). 1.1 version is bit more challenging and unfair than v1.0 was, but I feel it is still in the not BS territory. This version also uses GZdoom (Hexen) config instead Zdoom (Hexen). No specific features are used, so I guess just to be futureproof or to open possibilites for dynamic lightning later on. R.I.P John Peter Bain (Total Biscuit) and Chester Bennington. Testing (V1.0) : HAK3180 (@Doomworld.com) Additional Credits to : pinder2@griffin.emba.uvm.edu - (stars2.wad) skybox Downloaded from: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/stars2 Captain Toenail - (rottweiler) rottweiler custom enemy scalliano - (Female /Male zombie scientist) custom enemies DavidN - (Plasma zombie scientist) custom enemy Downloaded from: https://realm667.com/index.php/en/ Patch 1.1 notes : Some rooms had been revamped to look better or to improve engagements. Added few ambient sounds (waves, waterfalls, humming machinery and thomping sounds near the BFG room locks secrets). Added details to some secret rooms triggers helping players secret hunting, in the case of BFG room secrets, sounds were added instead (as specified earlier). Added more teleporter trigger lines and teleporter destinations from monster closets to help prevent enemies getting stuck and not teleporting properly. Added endgame area where player faces enemies from really specific monster closets that hasnīt been activated (helping player get 100% kill count without activating every more route depending encounters). A lot of block sound triggers had been moved or removed completely. Killing former mankind enemies (humans, sergeants, chaingunners) now sometimes spawn lost souls or revenents near the area to divide player attention (mostly in early game). Killing demon dogs now spawn real (ingame) demons (pinkies/specters). Added encounters and ambush points. Added some normal difficulty (HMP) specific fights near the keys. Goodies in some secret rooms had been replaced/rebalanced. Number of backpacks had been lowered, ammo rebalanced not to max out too early (note that there should be enough ammo to kill everything by doing some exploration). Amount of healing items (stimpacks, medkits and souls spheres) had been reduced, few berserk power ups added. Some stimpacks are medkits on the UV+ difficulty (mostly in the early game to slightly compensate for no green armor at the start). This map version uses updated version of DavidNīs plasma zombie scientist (this version drops cells). Some glass panels are now "breakable" so that enemies will now attack player (or start infighting, some enemies are weird). Hard difficulty (UV/NM) arenas had been slightly altered. 1. Ammo spawners are now one use only, but there are more of them and now spawn variety of ammo. (there is just enough to complete the arena - in case you had no ammo after teleporting) 2. Spider mastermind arena had been revamped (itīs far from perfect, but it is far better than V1.0 was). 3. Blue key arena now has usable switch on the player side instead of shootable one on the opposite platform. 4. Every arena now has a Soul sphere instead of regular healing items. 5. Teleporters placements and enemy count/variety had been slightly rebalanced. Special thanks : HAK3180 (@Doomworld.com) for his amazing feedback. : Everyone who played the first version of my map. I hope you had a decent time. : Everyone who will play this one. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 1 Sounds : Yes - new enemies sounds Music : Yes Graphics : Yes - New enemies and some textures Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes - Map name and par time change Demos : No Other : No Other files required : No - Map is packed (.pk3 file) with all resourcers needed * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map 1 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : No Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : In development over 1,5 year. (Mapping time I guess about a month) Editor(s) used : GZDoom Builder v2.3.0.2787, Slade v3.1.2 Beta 5, Microsoft paint, paint.net 4.1.1 Known Bugs : Due to some specific triggers players may see graphic glithces when using noclip. May Not Run With : Vanilla 100%, other port may not work due to some GZdoom specific triggers Tested With : GZdoom v3.6.0 * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse if they provide original map and resources used credits. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * Web sites: https://forum.zdoom.org/ https://www.doomworld.com/