=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Limit Removing Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : GoopW Filename : goopw.wad Release date : 09-Nov-2021 (dw thread) Author : galileo31dos01 Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : Parallels, Zeramida, few maps in CPs Misc. Author Info : mm Description : Contains 3 fast-paced intense maps plus one stopper, skills thoroughly implemented, for all the good info scroll down below Additional Credits to : ID software, creators of editors used, read below! =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 4 Sounds : Yes (doom 3 plasma sfx) Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : No Other : No Other files required : Nope * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map01-04 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : No(?) Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Around 3-4 weeks on and off Editor(s) used : GZDoom Builder bug-fix, SLADE, WhackEd4, Doom Writer, paint.net, Cool Text Generator (for the m_doom) Known Bugs : None May Not Run With : Vanilla-strict Tested With : Crispy Doom 5.10.2., ZDoom, DSDA-Doom -cl2, GZDoom * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors --- GoopW --- [1] GENERAL [2] COMPATIBILITY [3] DIFFICULTIES [4] ADDITIONAL MAPS INFO [5] CREDITS . . . . . . . [1] --- GENERAL --- This is a compilation of maps that are tied together primarily by the gameplay offered, not so much from an environmental/episodic aspect, which honestly was never the approach. As such, they were thoroughly designed and tested on pistol starts, all skills (except 1 and 5). If your preferred playstyle is continuous, by all means go ahead and enjoy yourself. One thing for sure is that HNTR (and HMP to an extent) do have extra value for continuous playing, so keep that in mind. [2] --- COMPATIBILITY --- The port of choice is Crispy Doom, but any limit-removing that supports MBF sky transfers should be fine. In PrBoom+ latest versions (2.6um) and DSDA-Doom the correct complevel is 2, otherwise if you use an older build of prb+ you might need to switch to boom to get the intended skies. For ZDoom-derived ports, it is personally recommended to enable software renderer, infinite tall actors on, and never rely on jumping or crouching. None of this tips need to be followed obligatorily though. I would additionally recommend to crispy users to enable brightmaps for textures and items. [3] --- DIFFICULTIES --- Skill settings are implemented the following way: - UV: hot start, immediately pushes forward, keeps the intensity throughout on a levelled but slightly high way, only recommended if you don't mind dying or struggling a bit before getting to know things. - HMP: generally identical thing placement aside from a few extra powerups, though most notable is the initial opposition is facing backwards, letting players sightsee first before making decisions, recommended if you want it less hot at the start - HNTR: has mostly its own configuration of monsters, resources and other stuff, giving it more of a doom 2 iwad-esque feel, pick this if you just want a casual stroll with a little spice, moreso if playing with carryovers Logically NM and ITYTD follow their own unique variations of UV and HNTR respectively. Neither of these two were tested so I'm not sure how they really feel here. [4] --- ADDITIONAL MAPS INFO --- ** Map01 ** Title: Pump the Goo! Midi: "And Blood Will Spill" by David Shaw Time spent: 3 days Comments: The main inspiration for this little peanut (and the wad in general) came after replaying a map called 'Sticky Blood' by Memfis, it was a sudden urge to map something in that style "very short, intense, bloody, and goopy" that'd be fun for me to play later. You may notice similarities if you've played that map, but it's all from scratch, including my first time using the tan rock textures. A tip? hmm, see if you can work out the "shortcuts", just for fun... ** Map02** Title: Water Nucleon Midi: "Bloody Hell" by Jamie Robertson Time spent: 3 days Comments: I started this map right afterwards. My idea was a predominantly gray/white rock-themed watery cave with touches of blue as contrast. The inspiration came from Arrival MAP02 by Pavera, as it's been a minute since I wanted to use zimmer and that white flat, and also thought of borrowing the playpal from that wad. Really liked the ending product in all aspects. ** Map03 ** Title: Mossy Cauldron Midi: "Clustafalque" by mrgrimsdale & Jimmy Paddock Time spent: A week on and off Comments: And this time I wanted to use the greenish rock and its variants to create the inside of a mossy humid castle. I was told at some point the map was giving Scythe MAP31 vibes, and while a mere coincidence, afterwards I decided to apply more red for contrast. In the end, my favorite bit has to be the final wave of [spoilers], but working on a functional progression difference between skills is up there as well. Oh, a tip, be observant, there may be some treasures not in plain sight... ** Map04 ** Title: To Be Continued... Midi: silence Time Spent: 4 or 5 hours in total Comments: I was supposed to start a new thread yesterday, but I came up with a progress stopper at last minute because why not. Not much to say, though I put a little teaser in case I ever feel like making a followup to the wad :) [5] --- CREDITS --- - My immaculate brain cells - ID software, creators of all editors used - Textures/Assets from: Final Doom, Memento Mori II (skybox), handful edits/patches I made myself from stock textures (titlepic, interpic, etc) - Music from Memento Mori II, Plutonia 2, Heretic's RAVEN Midi Pack - PLAYPAL, COLORMAP by esselfortium - Plasma SFX from Doom 3 - Big thank you to my playtesters: MajorArlene, Nine Inch Heels, Nevanos