=========================================================================== Primary purpose : Single Player =========================================================================== Title : 100 Lines Filename : 100lineT.wad, 100lineN.wad Author : Various, see below Email Address : crowroadaw@yahoo.com.au (that'll get you Capellan/Adam Windsor - use Doomworld PMs to contact individual map authors) Description : The challenge was to put together the best possible level that meets all 5 of the following criteria: 1. is Boom-compatible; and 2. uses only vanilla textures; and 3. is fun to play; and 4. looks OK; and 5. is constructed with 100 linedefs or less. To put this last criteria in context, e1m1 has 486 linedefs. Over 70 maps were submitted, and 64 were OK'd for release to idgames. These have been split into two wads: 100lineT: is levels that are more or less 'traditional' in their map design. They may feature special effects in their gameplay, but the focus is on providing the standard style of play, just in a very limited number of lines. 100lineN: is levels that tackle the 100 line limit either by delivering a slaughtermap, or through the use of an unusual (for Doom) style of gameplay. Many of the levels in this wad are considerably more difficult than any of the maps in 100lineT.wad All maps were designed with pistol start in mind, though continuous play is of course possible. The order of maps in the wads was determined by the visual style of the levels; difficulty curve was not a factor. Some later maps will be easier than earlier ones. If a given map is too hard, too easy, or just not fun for you, feel free to IDCLEV out of there and try one of the others :) =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 64 (2 x 32 level wads) Sounds : No Music : Yes - for a few levels Graphics : Titlepic by traversd credits screens by Jayextee level names by Obsidian Dehacked/BEX Patch : just for level names (also by Obsidian) Demos : No Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom2.wad Map # : All Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts included; not tested; some levels may not work well for co-op Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts included; not tested; many levels will not work well for deathmatch Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Varies Editor(s) used : Varies Known Bugs : None known May Not Run With : Any vanilla doom port Tested With : prboom-plus- (compat 9) * Map Information * Listed below are the Doomworld user names of the map authors, and the map names (where one wasn't given by the author, Obsidian made them up): 100lineT.wad 01 Capellan - "Project Alpha" 02 traversd - "Century Base" 03 Kaiser - "Kaiser 27" 04 Jayextee - "Cross the Rubicon" 05 Katamori - "Convenient System Store" 06 Chris Hansen - "100 Shades of Flay" 07 Capellan - "Sins" 08 joepallai - "The Broken Gate" 09 theJF - "Quirkafleeg Performance Review" 10 Jayextee - "Root of Evil" 11 Scifista42 - "Port Penbene" 12 Obsidian - "Shotgun Alley" 13 General Rainbow Bacon - "Watch Your Back" 14 joe-ilya - "Minimum Fear" 15 Capellan - "Bridge Over Troubled Nukage" 16 Fiend - "Hunski" 17 Jayextee - "Phobos Aberration" 18 Scypek2 - "Bitter" 19 Walter Confalonieri - "Green Station Fad" 20 joe-ilya - "Logo" 21 Traversd - "Centennial Mine" 22 Scet - "Hell's Triangles" 23 Dutch Doomer - "Slaughter Dis" 24 Scet - "The Lavaning" 25 Jayextee - "Demon Bayou" 26 Membrain - "Devil’s Knot" 27 Skillsaw - "Springtime in Hell" 28 Mikle - "Cells" 29 Capellan - "Charnel" 30 Obsidian - "Brink of Death" 31 Scifista42 - "Wolfenstain" 32 ChaingunnerX - "Sleep Town" 100lineN.wad 01 Scypek2 - "Flow" 02 Ribbiks - "Big Butts" 03 durian - "DOOMuda Triangle" 04 General Rainbow Bacon - "Tiptoe" 05 Demonologist - "Hyperborean" 06 ArmouredBlood - "Nukage Processing" 07 Scypek2 - "Rooftop Rampage" 08 BloodyAcid - "abnormalize" 09 dobugabumaru - "Exquisite Guilt" 10 Magnusblitz - "Demon Abbey" 11 TimeOfDeath - "Forest of Undesirables" 12 Demonologist - "Burrow" 13 Archi - "Trine" 14 theJF - "Banyan Tree" 15 Obsidian - "Aquaden" 16 Jayextee - "Contain Yourself!" 17 TimeOfDeath - "Stares" 18 JCD - "Bloody Walls" 19 Demonologist - "Black Throne" 20 Obsidian - "Indulge" 21 Capellan - "Shard Gate" 22 dobugabumaru - "Hunter" 23 General Rainbow Bacon - "Spiral of Despair" 24 Jayextee - "God’s Wound" 25 Plut - "Cosy Nook" 26 Walter Confalonieri - "Welcome to the Limit" 27 Scet - "Springtime Slaughter" 28 ArmouredBlood - "100 lines of Doom" 29 BloodyAcid - "Puncture" 30 Da Spadger - "Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!" 31 TimeOfDeath (with thanks to Sandy Petersen) - "Centryway" 32 Jayextee - "Nüsse" * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse ONLY with the permission of the original author (contact them on doomworld). Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors