Return to Mysterious Island Inspired by the Jules Verne Classic Novel… The Adventure Company Background: Return to Mysterious Island follows Mina, a strong young woman alone on a round-the-world sailing expedition. Caught in a tremendous storm, she becomes stranded on the shores of a wild and apparently uninhabited island. As she explores her new surroundings, she uncovers artifacts, living spaces and technologies left behind by the people who came before her to this uncharted island. Creating a new life, Mina builds a home from the remains of Granite Rock and uses her survival skills against the wilds of the jungle. She soon becomes aware of a figure in the shadows who, seemingly aware of her troubles, offers her assistance. She eventually identifies this figure as the unsettled ghost of Captain Nemo, whose body is located in the Nautilus deep below the island shore. Piecing together the hints and clues he provides, Mina must travel to the Nautilus, retrieve his body and give him a proper burial in order to free his tortured soul. Solve a variety of clever puzzles and use the various technologies found on the Nautilus to return to civilization or remain on the island forever… System Requirements: OS: Windows® 98SE/ME/2000/XP   CPU: 800 MHz Pentium® III (1 GHz Pentium® 4 Recommended) RAM: 64 MB (128 MB Recommended)   CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: 16X Speed (24X Speed Recommended)   Video: 64 MB DirectX® 9 Compliant Video Card   Sound: DirectX® 9 Compatible    Input: Keyboard and Mouse  Subtitle Option Available Walkthrough: After the intro cut-scene, you are alone on a deserted beach. Right-click to open your Inventory Menu and press the ‘Phone’ button on the upper left corner. The batteries are dead. There is no way to send out an SOS… You are weak and hungry. Your first task is to find something to help you regain your strength. There are some birds on a shallow rock wall. Turn to the right and approach the rock wall. Who is THAT? Hello?? Strange… you must be seeing things… Click on the lower of the two nests to scatter the birds and collect the eggs. Eating them raw is out of the question so you will need to collect things to make a fire. Look at the ground. There is a rusty key, that looks like a nail. Someone must have been on this island before you. Pick up the key. It will automatically go into the Inventory Menu. Turn to the left. Go towards the opening to the next area of the beach. Just before the opening, on the ground, is some seaweed. Collect this into inventory. On the left, just before the opening, there is another rock wall. If you pass the cursor over the wall, you will see that there are 4 oysters clinging to the wall. Collect each one into inventory. There is a fish swimming in a little pool here as well. He must have become trapped when the tide went out. He sure looks delicious, but you have nothing to catch him with so, for now, go through the rock opening into the next beach area. Right-click to access the Inventory Menu. Click the Auto button on the top right to deposit all the inventory items you have collected into individual inventory slots. As you enter this area, you see a large turtle covering something up with sand and crawling away. Look to the left beside you. Click to reveal a chest buried in the sand! Someone HAS been on this island. Pick up the eggs in front of the chest. Select the rusty key from inventory and use it on the chest. Ah… look at this! A telescope and coins! Collect both into inventory. Turn to the right and continue down the beach. You will hear thuds as coconuts drop to the beach. Click on the sand here and you will find more turtle eggs. Collect these into inventory as well. Turn right and walk into the small grove of palm trees. Pick up the coconuts that have fallen. Oh, how to open these to drink the milk and eat the flesh… Collect the palm leaf into inventory. There are two crabs dining on a dead porcupine. Cooked, these two crabs would make a delicious meal… Click on them when they both have their backs turned, eating, or else they will pinch you! Ouch! Once both are collected, collect the porcupine into inventory as well. Leave this beach area and return to where you started from. Turn left and walk up the path between the rock walls. What is that strange noise and vibration? Oh, it stopped… Along the path, collect the broken metal plaque and the worms into inventory. At the top you will encounter a fence made out of logs. You are too weak to move it. To the left of this fence is a forked stick. Collect it into inventory. On the post there as well is ‘amadou,’ a fungus that would make wonderful kindling. Walk down the pathway to the beach again and at the bottom, on the right you will see a small alcove in the rock. Enter this area. Here you will see a large rock and a flint. Collect both into inventory. Leave this area and approach the wreck of the hull that is half buried in the sand. Right-click to access the Inventory Menu. Click the Auto button on the top right to deposit all the inventory items you have collected into individual inventory slots. If not all the items from the transit area are deposited into slots, click on the tap at the top of the slot area to access a new slot page. Click Auto again and the remaining item(s) will be deposited. Select the rock from inventory and right-click to return to gameplay. Click on the piece of wood with the metal top on the hull and you will see the metal top break off the wood. Collect both the wood and the metal piece into inventory. Right click to access the Inventory Menu again and click Auto to deposit all the new items into slots. Deposit the rock into an available slot as well. Select the rock and drag it onto the piece of metal. You will see an illustration of the piece of metal being honed into a knife. The knife and the rock will go into the Auto section. Click on Auto to deposit them into individual slots. Next, take the flint and drag it onto the knife. A spark! Next, select the spark, the piece of wood and the amadou and you have created a fire! Select the fire from inventory, return to gameplay and use the fire on the floor in the alcove. In inventory, you can separate some combined items. These combined items will be indicated by a small wrench on the combined item. Drag the combined item onto the wrench icon on the middle left of the Inventory Menu. The separated items will move to the transit area. Click Auto to deposit each into an inventory slot. Now you can cook the various items you found to regain your strength to move the fence up the hill and explore the island further… If you don’t have enough food collected yet, don’t forget about that fish… You will need to fashion a rod, and you already have the stick and the worms. You will still need a rope and a hook. There is a bush outside the alcove with thorns on it. Cut these off and place them into the fire to curve them. The rope is part of the coconut. Once you have all these items, you can create the fishing rod. © 2004 DreamCatcher/Developed by Kheops Studios. DreamCatcher Europe and The Adventure Company designs and marks are trademarks of DreamCatcher Interactive Inc. Microsoft, Windows and DirectX are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other brands, product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.